Leaf yellowed and tips curled


Active Member
So I have some little ladies that I started from seed. I had them in some real shitty soil beacuse I am a fool and rushed into things. The plants were growing very slow but looked healthy so I assumed the soil was the culprit. I transplanted into some Miracle grow moisture control soil mixed with peat moss. I noticed when I transplanted them that the roots were very underdevloped so I assume that was the reason for the slow growth. Now they turned very yellow and the tips are curling. I am watering them once a day to every other day depending on how the soil feels with distilled water. I have including a picture of my grow box for seedlings and of each plant and help with be greatly appericated.



Well-Known Member
Two things maybe going on the most obvious would be a nutrient toxicity. Have you been feeding it nutrients? The next culprit would be light damage. What lighting are you using and at what distance from the top of your seedling?


Well-Known Member
looks like to much watering causing the ( sorry ) shitty mg soil to over nute them. that stuff releases nutes evryt time you water.
stop watering for now and let them get bone dry inbetween.


Active Member
Yeah I kinda thought that was the case as I have seen other pics on here that have been diagnosed as nute burn. The plants are very close to the lights like 6 inches but they are only three CFLs in there, I had 5 but when the yellowing started I removed two thinking that could be the problem but it didnt help. I know the plants arent strong enough for another transplant right now so I guess im going to do like everyone says and just cut way back on the watering and hope then pull through. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
and if you are using nutes i would stop them and just use plain water the burns are because the Mg soil is good enough and its very hard to tell if they need nutrients until you try and they burn I have seen good grows with Mg and plain water for at least the first 3 weeks...... good luck will be watchin your thread


Active Member
Cut the yellow (brown in my opinion) And DO NOT give it so much water. Give like a half deciliter every second day. Marijuana plants likes being dehydrated for a short while. And no, i do not know why. Thats just the way it is son :P