Leafs curling up, cant seam to raise the humidity. help


Well-Known Member
my gage says its 44 high. i dont understand what the high is for. i went down and got a cool air humidifier and put it in there. nothing, it didnt move. so i put a hot air humidifier in there with it to see if i could raise it at all, and nothing. its still 44. my light is a 1000watt, is it burning up that much moister? what can i do, and is this low humidity causing the prob u see in this pictures?



Well-Known Member
How close do you have your light to the tops of your plants? Can you put your hand with the tops of your plants and not be burned?


Well-Known Member
see i was thinking that to, so i put two different temp gages level with the tops of my plants to make sher my gage wasnt fucked up. they ant over 83



Well-Known Member
they where under a 400 watt mh, then i got this 1000watt . they have been under it for almost a week. my talest one is 27 iches away, and the other are like 48 inches away.


Well-Known Member
they where under a 400 watt mh, then i got this 1000watt . they have been under it for almost a week. my talest one is 27 iches away, and the other are like 48 inches away.
there 6 days under the 1000watt first pic is the first day and the second is know. if the light was to much would it still grow this good?



Well-Known Member
I know you said your humidity gauge was reading 44%. Thats really a decent humidity level, even for veg. I think your main concern should be why your leaves are curling up, and usually thats because of high heat. I'm thinking your plants are going to be fine in a few more days once they adjust to the brighter light. But I can't say from experience because I use cfls. ;)

Ouside of that, not sure what else I could tell you; maybe someone else can chime in. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I can tell you that i've had plants do that exact leaf thing under cfl's. I would like to know what it is too. Don't think its heat. What nute line are you using? Id like to see more posts from someone who has figured this out.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you that i've had plants do that exact leaf thing under cfl's. I would like to know what it is too. Don't think its heat. What nute line are you using? Id like to see more posts from someone who has figured this out.
genaral hydroponics, flora series. floramicro florabloom and floragrow. I am giving them 3 grow 2 micro and 1bloom.
u use superthrive at all on the ones u had issues with?


Well-Known Member
genaral hydroponics, flora series. floramicro florabloom and floragrow. I am giving them 3 grow 2 micro and 1bloom.
u use superthrive at all on the ones u had issues with?
my brother moved and gave me some plants he had, the leafs looked the same as mine do know. i put them in my hydro tub and throw them in my cloning closet with no air movement at all. they started to come out of it. stayed in there for a week or so. i ended up chucking them because i didnt have room. didnt want to fuck with them ether.
I've had the same problem with the leaves curling upsides. DSC06594.jpg
With me the problem was i gave to many canna fertilizer :P so i stopped the treatment and gave water for the next two days without fertilizer then they were back to normal :D then started building up the fertilizer again in small portions to not overfeed them again. DUNNO if this is what causes it with you =) plants can be very weird , but also they're very strong.




Well-Known Member
I've had the same problem with the leaves curling upsides. DSC06594.jpg
With me the problem was i gave to many canna fertilizer :P so i stopped the treatment and gave water for the next two days without fertilizer then they were back to normal :D then started building up the fertilizer again in small portions to not overfeed them again. DUNNO if this is what causes it with you =) plants can be very weird , but also they're very strong.

know that u said something, i did start to give them full nutes. my big girls i ran nutes for 2 weeks then changed. it looks like it is going to have to be changed every week. i will lower fert and keep u posted.