Leafs Curling Up?


Active Member
Hey , my lights just turned on in my grow box , and i looked at my plant and the leafs are curling upward? and i have no idea why , heres some pics. any info would really help , thank you



Well-Known Member
In my opinion, I wouldn't panic yet. I would give it a day or two. Looks perfectly healthy otherwise.


Well-Known Member
It's a magniesium def. Add a tbl spn. of epsom salts to a gallon of water, and water it with that. It should go away in a day or two.

You could try half a tbl spn with a gallon to be on the safe side. You can lock your nutes out with TOO MUCH Mg.

that isn't that bad though. If it gets any worse, i would try what I said.


Active Member
i havent used any Mg or any nutes , all ive been doing is watering , i bought a big bag of soil for like 20 bucks its extremely cheap but ive used it many times and turned out fine , it was from a garden shop , i dont remember what kind the soil is , but im pretty sure it doesnt have any nutes in it , you have to add it yourself i think? , so ive just been waiting till it gets bigger so i can start feeding it , my PH level is 7.6 i think its sapose to be a little lower , but i dont think the PH is the problem , but ill keep all this info in mind , thanks guys


Well-Known Member
It's a magniesium def. Add a tbl spn. of epsom salts to a gallon of water, and water it with that. It should go away in a day or two.

You could try half a tbl spn with a gallon to be on the safe side. You can lock your nutes out with TOO MUCH Mg.

that isn't that bad though. If it gets any worse, i would try what I said.
Where do you see a mag deficiency? A mag deficiency will not show up on a plant this young, it just won't. The leaves curling up are because of the temps being too high, not magnesium deficiency

None of the leaves look even reasonably similar to a magnesium deficiency. Telling him to feed them with epsom salts could burn a plant this young. Please don't give out advice unless you are sure, otherwise you are just guessing and could steer someone in the wrong direction as you did with this post.

To the op: what are you temps like? What is the pH of the water you are feeding it? What soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
76-78°F is ideal
The way the leaves look makes me think that the temps might be getting a little hotter than that and causing burn
What type of soil are you using? What is the pH of the water you are feeding the plant?


Active Member
I actually dont remember what kind of soil im using , i got a big bag of it for 20 bucks at a flower shop , it was extremely cheap , but i "was" using bottled water , then i switched to my tap water , my tap water's PH is 7.6 , but i have a pic of the soil im using somewhere in one of my old threads ill look for it


Well-Known Member
76-78°F is ideal
The way the leaves look makes me think that the temps might be getting a little hotter than that and causing burn
What type of soil are you using? What is the pH of the water you are feeding the plant?

What you posted a picture of looks like potassium def.

leaves curling up like that on the sides is a sign of Mg. def,...although it could also be the heat. They don't have to have to be burnt to be mg def.

The tips will also twist with Mg def.


Active Member
this is the soil im using , i got this info off of a website that sells it

Agro Mix PV20 - 3.8 cu ft Bale

High quality screened peat moss Perlite and vermiculite Nutrient charge, lime and wetting agent
Ph range 5.5 - 6.5 Scientifically developed Improve your performance
Professional support Consistent quality
Used by discriminating growers


Well-Known Member
What you posted a picture of looks like potassium def.

leaving curing up like that on the sides is a sign of Mg. def,...although it could also be the heat. They don't have to have to be burnt to be mg def.

The tips will also twist with Mg def.
You don't know your deficiencies dude, that is a page out of a book written on growing marijuana. I know for a fact that the picture I posted is a magnesium deficiency.

John Wayne, you can choose who to listen to. Take a look at my 400 watt HPS journal to see what I know

Edit: yeah there is no way in hell that you have a magnesium deficiency. Your soil sounds nice and there is enough nutes in there for a few weeks
YOU DO NOT HAVE A MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY don't feed epsom salts or cal-mag + for a few weeks


Well-Known Member
You don't know your deficiencies dude, that is a page out of a book written on growing marijuana. I know for a fact that the picture I posted is a magnesium deficiency.

John Wayne, you can choose who to listen to. Take a look at my 400 watt HPS journal to see what I know

Hey man, I'm not competing for anyones rep, but I do know this. Mg def. can and will cause curling leaves on the edges, and tips. This is just one of the ways it can show.

So you're right, John Wayne can listen to whoever he wants, and that's fine. His temps are at 80 which isn't going to cause heat stress.

It just looks like 1 of 3 things Heat (which I really don't think it is) PH, which is most likely being that it's a young plant, or Mg, which is something that it could be.


Active Member
i tottaly apreachiate all the info from you guys , but im with Tom_420 on this one , but if it ends up being Mg then atleast thanks to doitinthewoods ill know exactly what to do , but i DO think its from the heat because i had my grow box in a different location in my house and the temp was always at 70-75 , and my plant looked perfectly fine , and then i moved it near my tv/mini fridge with more heat and now my heat gets up to 80 so i could see that being the problem


Well-Known Member
You don't know your deficiencies dude, that is a page out of a book written on growing marijuana. I know for a fact that the picture I posted is a magnesium deficiency.

John Wayne, you can choose who to listen to. Take a look at my 400 watt HPS journal to see what I know

Edit: yeah there is no way in hell that you have a magnesium deficiency. Your soil sounds nice and there is enough nutes in there for a few weeks
YOU DO NOT HAVE A MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY don't feed epsom salts or cal-mag + for a few weeks
Yea, that sounds fine, but leaves twisting and rolling up like that is a Mg def thing. It's more than like the ph in tis case.

You get kinda hostile don't you? haha. I could care less about your grow journals, dude.


Well-Known Member
i tottaly apreachiate all the info from you guys , but im with Tom_420 on this one , but if it ends up being Mg then atleast thanks to doitinthewoods ill know exactly what to do , but i DO think its from the heat because i had my grow box in a different location in my house and the temp was always at 70-75 , and my plant looked perfectly fine , and then i moved it near my tv/mini fridge with more heat and now my heat gets up to 80 so i could see that being the problem
Yea, man, they have to reaclimate. It's probably heat then.


Well-Known Member
i tottaly apreachiate all the info from you guys , but im with Tom_420 on this one , but if it ends up being Mg then atleast thanks to doitinthewoods ill know exactly what to do , but i DO think its from the heat because i had my grow box in a different location in my house and the temp was always at 70-75 , and my plant looked perfectly fine , and then i moved it near my tv/mini fridge with more heat and now my heat gets up to 80 so i could see that being the problem
He's actually right. I do make mistakes from time to time. Ph or heat.