leafs died over night plz help


Well-Known Member
I have been growing 6 plants in my closet (dutch passion power plant) for just over 2 months. I am using a 400w ballast with mh for veg and hps for flower. i have a 178 cfm exhaust fan connected to a carbon filter for vent. for nutes i am using all purpose fert with 26-8-16 npk for veg, and for flower 10-56-10. I just started to flower 10 days ago, then realised i had thrips. I got some neem oil but the only stuff i could find was neem + potassium salts. yersterday i sprayed with neem and i also watered with nutes, the last time i used nutes was 2 feedings ago. everything was growing fine until i woke up this morning and checked on them. I found that the bottom half of my leaves have died and some of the upper leaves are curled down. any ideas? i'll try to add pics later cuz riu is going really slow right now


Well-Known Member
now i'm really upset..after all of this i just looked closely at my plants and the thrips are still there even after 2 sprayings of neem oil in the last week..and they seem to be moving faster than ever almost like the neem was a fricken steroid


Active Member
hey werndogg i have the exact same problem as you right now...it may be because i just cloned but all of my fan leaves near the middle and bottom are dying off and getting crispy and dark green. the top of the plant still looks nice and healthy nice colour to it but they are curling down...if anyone can help...and if you figure out a solution werndogg please let me know


Well-Known Member
if i am right, plants do lose some leaves when you start flowering. maybe i'm just paranoid but i think it was a few too many. anyway since nute burn is a strong possibility, i am in the process of flushing my plants with clean water. not sure how much to use, i have the plants each in their own 7 gal pot, and i am flushing with 3 gal each. some of the plants with less damage have more of a clear runoff while the plants that lost more leaves has more of a yellowish brown runoff. guess all i can do now is get blazed, cross my fingers, and hope for better results tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I would definitely flush those babies if the ones that are healthier have a clearer runoff. Post back with the results, worst thing with a flush is that you lose some nutes for a few days. I'm sure in no time you will have copious amounts of Ganja :weed:.


Well-Known Member
i read that your surpose to flush at least 3 times the capacity of your pot. So a 7 gallon pot would be flushed with 21 gals .


Well-Known Member
wow 21 gal per plant in my case, i'll be here flushing all fricken night...i can only do 6 gal at a time. I think what i will do is flush 3 gal at a time until my runoff is clear, this will still take about an hour to do all my plants, but anything to save them is worth it. wish me luck


Active Member
Good luck man. I'm interested to see how the turn out is. Post pic's if you can, I wonder if we are having the same problem with nute burn. Except I don't have the thrips, I've got fungus gnats. :P


Well-Known Member
well its been about a week since my last post. I flushed all my plants and since then have not lost many more leaves. The new growth looks good and the plants are shooting up white hairs everywhere. I also just added co2 to my grow room after learning the easy way to make it from the faq. i want to post some pics but it says my security token is missing...any ideas?