Leafs dropping


Active Member
Help please ..

Hey I did a solo cup grow . I have 3 plants one big one and two solo cup grows there all on day 65 of flower. Doing very well. Butttt today one of my solo cup plants leafs decided to just drop all of them... what do you guys think !! Help !



Well-Known Member
Help please ..

Hey I did a solo cup grow . I have 3 plants one big one and two solo cup grows there all on day 65 of flower. Doing very well. Butttt today one of my solo cup plants leafs decided to just drop all of them... what do you guys think !! Help !
Looks under or over watered to me


Active Member
potential to kill the plant if its root bound, but could be a watering issue too which could also kill the plant. seeing how you have them in a dixie cup it could be either one tbh.
best bet would be to transfer it to something bigger.
let it ride, you're almost on week 10 so you're going to be harvesting it soon.
my suggestion is to use bigger pots for your next grow


Active Member
I don’t see the point to transfer because it’s 65 days into flower . I’m not trying to keep it alive to much longer .. I purposely left them in solo cups because I didn’t have the space . And saw a few people doing solo cup grows. I’m pretty sure it’s over watered


Active Member
like i said ride it out, you're almost of week 10 and going to be harvesting soon.
soil doesn't look that saturated, my guess would still be rootbound