Leafs dying..Harvest?

Ok i dont think the bud is done yet but i could be wrong but i have noticed that the leafs are dying possibly due to some white growing fuzz in the soil. there isnt much bud on the plant at all and all the leafs are dried on the plant but the buds are not dying should i go ahead and harvest this one, also i dont know if this is true because the other plant in separate pot has white fuzz growing on top of it i guess its mold and the leafs on it is not growing but it is a hermie.

I think i should cut it down but i thought maybe i should get some knowledge first
please answer with pro answers as i am a noob and this is my first grow, everything seemed to go JUST right all my plants were green and healthy intill my plants got some pests
well heres the thing i broke my camera and cannot post pics :( but picture a marijuana plant that was planted on april 28 and now all the leafs are dead ALL it has plenty of water and was not over watered i learned how to not over water the plant i let the top soil dry good befor i water, the bud is very compact