Leafs lost strenght,point downwards.


Active Member
It's a Lowrider#2, 5 weeks old.
Lives in a box, under a 130 Watt compact light.
I water it once in a week, 3/4 of a glass.

Few days ago the leafs just lost its strenght, i have no idea whats going on but i feel the plant is dying.

Please help me fast before i lose my only plant!





Well-Known Member
it could be that your plants need more light spectrum now that they are getting a bit bigger, becuase if you're using a 130 wattage you're most likely using a cfl, correct me if I"m wrong but. But what thats doing is it's just making your plant grow it's length because the light is insuficient to make the plant produce. and possibly try watering it a little more than 3/4s of a cub once a week, I have some about 2 levels lower than yours and I water it every day but my water runs through the pots, it doesn't settle. Just my opinion on what I could see.


Active Member
it could be that your plants need more light spectrum now that they are getting a bit bigger, becuase if you're using a 130 wattage you're most likely using a cfl, correct me if I"m wrong but. But what thats doing is it's just making your plant grow it's length because the light is insuficient to make the plant produce. and possibly try watering it a little more than 3/4s of a cub once a week, I have some about 2 levels lower than yours and I water it every day but my water runs through the pots, it doesn't settle. Just my opinion on what I could see.

Yes, that's exactly why i'm not watering it more, the water just runs through the pots.
I also use 24h photoperiod(light is always on). I read somewhere that Lowriders grow better under constant light.
Last night, however, i took the plant out of the box and turned the light off.
The leafs look a bit better but they're still pointing downwards and look sick.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Looks like the tips are fert burned, but not thats bad.
At least the top leafs still look heathy.
whats your ph, temp, and ferts???


Active Member
Ok guys thanks for the advice, i just watered it a bit more. Gave it a whole glass of fresh tasty water. Some water spilled out from under the pot, is this a bad sign?

How do you determine if the plant has too much or not enough water?

I don't want to screw it up now...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
It's kind of hard to see from your pic but usually when the leaves lose their sheen (look flat and papery in texture) it's a potassium deficiency. You're getting a lot of contradictory advice in this thread but you didn't mention nutrients - if it's 5 weeks old and hasn't got any nutes, it's probably deficient, depending on the soil. And if you pick the plant up and it feels light, you need to water. I know it's hard to say what "light" is but just keep picking up the pot, you'll get the hang. Or just get a moisture meter for $6 at Walmart.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
more water! my 3 weeks old plants are about that size and they take about 2/3 of a liter bottle of water every other day. when i dont water them on time they droop exactly like that, like the are wilting. they should perk back up within the day with some more water.

also i didnt look to see, but if you are also using nutes you are def going to get some nute burn if you dont water enough.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
...and you also want to make sure that you feed them until you just start to get some water seeping out the bottom. feed them slowly so the water doesnt race to the bottom of the container and has a chance to absorb slowly into the soil.

[email protected]

Active Member
if you want to check your watering stick you finger into the dirt about 2 " down if it's dry water. if not let it a bit longer. I water every therd day once in a while I let them go for four days but I aways check the dirt first. if your water is running threw you might have to water every other day cuz your not holding much moisture.


Active Member
Your advices WORKED!
The girl looks perfect now, the leafs went up so fast i could almost see them moving, hehe.
It's amazing how much water this plant needs, i used to water it a LOT less when it was younger.

Oh, and one more thing.
From what i can see now the harvest won't be big at all, i hoped for AT LEAST 6g, it looks like 3g's now....

So much effort for 3 joints ><

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I'm still wondering whether you're using nutrients and what kind of soil that is. I'm no Lowrider expert but usually quality soil and proper nutrient amounts will greatly increase your yield. In other words, they are well worth the investment.


Active Member
Nutrients are Bioflorin, european equivalent of your american nutes.
The soil has 7-7,5 PH, the package says is for cactuses but i read somewhere it'll do the trick.
I already had two dudes and they grew like monsters in the same environment, the girl seems a bit lazy.

Is there some way i can increase the yield before harvesting?

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
I think by the end you should prob get about 30g's off it. that seems to be what most people are getting per plant. most everybody also recommends giving a couple extra weeks, about 10-11 instead of 8-9. it will get there