Leafs to oil?


Well-Known Member
I heard somewhere (i think it was widows thread) that it is possible to make some kind of oil (that can be used some how?) using the leafs of the plant after harvest. I think it would be cool to get this oil from a part that is most often wasted. Any thoughts/suggestions?


I cant answer for the big fan leaves for the trimming from around your buds are great to make hashish, hash oil, etc, there are many different methods, google it and you will find plenty!


Well-Known Member
thanx for the link. After reading some stuff about it seems it would involve using various chemicals which i am some what sceptical about using. Ah well, what the heck, will give it a try next time i have some good leafs to use.


Active Member
I dried al my leaves out and made canna butter, so surely it would be just the same principle, but using oil instead of butter. Be careful not to burn it though as i burnt the first lot and the smell was dreadful, just let it simmer away. I also melted the sieve as i didnt wait for it to cool a bit before sieving it. Its just trial and error, and i had many errors to learn from. The second batch was perfect and i have made chocolate cakes, scones etc.