leafs turning yellow


Active Member
so was checking my plants today and notice that one of my plants leafs have turned yellow and dryed up, but only the bottom two leafs have. can anybody tell me whats gone wrong here? how can i fix this?


Well-Known Member
do you have any pics? how old are the plants? did you notice any dark brown/burning at the end of the tips before they turned yellow? what's the ph?


Active Member
If they are the round leaves that look alot smoother than the other ones, then from what I've read (I've been reading alot about growing lately) it is perfectly normal. The very bottom leaves are supposed to fall off at some point in the vegetative state.


Well-Known Member
Hey tbad, sounds like nute burn. Not sure though without picks! If you used nutrients last time you watered you may have over done it a little, if so just flush the soil with plain water and you'll be fine


Active Member
Your ok if they are the first two little leaves that popped from the seed bro, they will dry and fall off, no worries.


Active Member
cool thats sound good. thanks alot man. i got a few difften opinions but im going with urs, cause i have't done anthing out of the normal day to day route i take with my babies. the only thing i can think of is overwatering or its normal.


Active Member
well i dont know for sure but from what iv been reading i guess it can be one, but i would't count on this being right cause i was asking my self.


Active Member
no i have't use any nutes yet. but i am planing on puting up some picuters to get some better advice. soon to come.