Learned something new.[Salvia]


Active Member
I havent been smoking weed for about 3 days. after smoking 30days straight, all day everyday [had 2.5 ounces, and dealer moved away.]
Salvia+craving weed = never.

I called over one of my friends after picking up a 20x salvia "A" extract
mentioned ive been crazy craving some marijane like a mother fucker. (this is day 3 of absolutely NO smoke)

well long story short i took a hit of a full bowl of salvia. in the back of my mind i was sorta expecting my craving to be fulfilled. Worst thought during salvia. i entered my trip running around my room looking around saying "STOP" or "What the fuck?!" repeatedly.
i remember the whole thing like i drank to many beers, and a beer away from throwing up. i just couldn't figure out what i WANTED. but i wanted SOMETHING so fucking bad it fucked my trip up. lol next time, because i still have hella left, im mixing it with my weed =]


Well-Known Member
It is these wants, needs and desires which ultimatley prevents us from true freedom.


Well-Known Member
I did 30x salvia today... Lets just say me and my gf went into cartoon land and had quit a good trip with miss frizzle and the gang.


Active Member
from what? ive never had a good salvia trip. did this once when i was 16 and had a bad trip then too. no visuals ither. total crap..im hoping the weed will make the transition into the salvia trip a lot easier.


Well-Known Member
from what? ive never had a good salvia trip. did this once when i was 16 and had a bad trip then too. no visuals ither. total crap..im hoping the weed will make the transition into the salvia trip a lot easier.
There is a ton of shitty salvia out there, you need to find a good vendor like smoke shops. Ask around, maybe get a higher extract. 30X-40X will work.


Well-Known Member
Just keep smokeing it, even plain leaf salvia can put you out of this mind with some practice.

I'm picking up new cuttings today, mine keep dieing on me... its the only thing I can't seem to grow. Must have killed like 10 by now.