...my guess would be that some people love media attention, and others can do without it. Besides, I'd think that having 'powers' of any sort would be an extremely personal thing / monstrous responsibility. Few people can induce samadhi with their presence, I don't know that TV ever could no matter who's on the screen

People that are 'charged' in this way likely know what it takes to get there, and how easily the 'power' can shy away. It's conditional. First, a person has to cultivate the 'cause' to achieve the 'effect'.
samadhi (from wiki) - It has been described as a non-dualistic state of consciousness in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject becomes one with the experienced object, and in which the mind becomes still, one-pointed or concentrated while the person remains conscious.
^ that's when 'real' magic is experienced, I'm quite sure.
edit: a 'real' 'mystic' would have strangers say to them "I don't know what it is, but there's something about you..." (not necessarily sexual, but from that same idea) - a mystic would likely say "I don't have anything that you do not have". It's about helping people attain the fullest version of the self, not TV.