Least Amount of Bud With The Biggest High


Well-Known Member
How can u make somehting with the least amount of bud to get u high OTHER than firecrackers


take a 1 gram ball of bubble hash...drop it in a shot of vodka...let the bubble hash dissolve...take shot........and good night.....LOL....I'm sure that's not what your looking for but it's a good one......


Active Member
Try the cannabis fritter recipe I just posted. You can make one with a gram and get decently baked.


Well-Known Member
Something with heated cream. It helps to extract the THC in the ganja a lot better than other methods, plus it's tasty as shite.


Active Member
look up some indian bhang recipes... if you are aat ll familiar with making tea with milk then this is a pretty good method... take some whole milk or better yet heavy cream and simmer in a pot... add 1 gram + depending on amount of dairy product... bring to a boil (watch for the spill over)... ad some loose tea and bring back down to simmer let it cook for a while on med heat. and then strain out the contents into a cup... add sugar and there you have dope tea... (key is to use no water and something with a high fat content)... and this will smell while you cook it... (not to covert) enjoy...



Well-Known Member
First time I've ever heard of "Dope tea" actually containing tea.

I always simmered 1/4 stick of butter 5 cups of milk and a bit of vanilla in a pot and I put grinded up bud (Usually a gram is all) into a teabag I had removed the tea from. Put the teabag in the water and put a spoon or something on it to keep it at the bottom and stir it occasionally for an hour and a half. Remove it from heat add a bit of cinnamon and allspice, drink up. It's really good tasting, I can't imagine adding tea to take away my beloved cannabis taste.


Active Member
First time I've ever heard of "Dope tea" actually containing tea.

I always simmered 1/4 stick of butter 5 cups of milk and a bit of vanilla in a pot and I put grinded up bud (Usually a gram is all) into a teabag I had removed the tea from. Put the teabag in the water and put a spoon or something on it to keep it at the bottom and stir it occasionally for an hour and a half. Remove it from heat add a bit of cinnamon and allspice, drink up. It's really good tasting, I can't imagine adding tea to take away my beloved cannabis taste.

nice recipe... yeah... the tea thing is just a habbit for us people from the orient! we have tea daily anyways so you might as well add some special ingredients...