leave a song for the day

If I knew you were coming, I'd've baked a cake.

<g> <vbg> lol lmfao bwahahaha :-) ;-) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, :clap:, ...

Trying to insert a gif of Ray Liotta from Goodfellas laughing but I just can't fucking figure it out right now, so you'll just have to use your imagination.

Potroast would have understood this progression. <vbseg>

TC, you're the fucking man!
Almost everyone on this forum should identify with this, no matter whether you're a Boomer, Gen X, or snotty nose Millennial. Us Grandpa's and Grandmas remember when both of those generations shit in their pants :o:

Well damn, I just realized this thread was for songs and not funny videos... oh well beat me, fuck me, make me write bad checks. :cool: