leave problem help

DSC_0082.jpgleaf.jpgDSC_0083.jpg1st time grower here. My leaves are showing brown spots on them. Here sum info grow tent 1.5mx1.5mx2m Just enterd flowering after 5weeks of vegging Got 6 inch outtake 5 inch intake, oscillating fan 400w light changed to 600w light for flowering. Temp between 25c to 30. humidity between 40% to 60% had problem when lights were off with humidity it was sitting at 80% to 90% kinda sorted that with adding intake fan still bit high tho at 50%to60 when light is out any suggestions for this would be much appreciated to.ave included sum pics of leave problem any help would be greatfull cheersbongsmilie

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
If you have a magnifying glass look under the leaf and see if you got spider mites... If you do not have spider mites, I would say that is a nute burn or build up of crap in the soil. You can flush those plants as you should always between VEG and Flowering. Use 3 time the amount of water that the pot size it grows in. 5 gallon pot use 15 gallons of water.... Use PH balanced water that has been blown off if it is city water (chlorine) On the last 3-5 gallons of your flush use 1 tbs per gallon of h20 of Epsom salt FOR Gardening not foot soaking. That should get you back. Then on your next water cut your food in half for the first feeding and increase gradually. I feed every other time FYI! Hope that helped.
If spider mites there are a few things to control with Neem oil-Alcohol and hand soap or you can get chemicals too I am not sure if BT will so the trick either--Should---it is a hormone that messes with a bugs feeding. Plenty of articles here about Spider mites use the search feature
a will check that tonite for spider mites dont think its that tho mite be nut burn i didnt even flush when goin from veg to flowering opps think all start flushing them tomorow. where do u get epsom salt for gardening