leave the vape on


all day or turn it off and on multiple times/day? This is regarding a Vapor Brothers unit. i burnt out my first one and want my new one to last as long as possible(my first vap. stopped working within 6 months). thanks in advance.


Volcano is wayyy to pricey. Ive had my vapor bros hands free for almost three years now and its.... dope. Turn it off and on. Ie also found the best temp to be around 12-1 o'clock on the dial. Vap tree!
None are built for 24/7 use or even all day.


Active Member
I turn mine off when not in use. I don't think it is a good idea to leave it on all day. vapor bros is an awesome vape.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the 12o'clock setting works well for me also. I guess i should turn it off and on each time i use it.
i use a digital vapor brothers knock off works well one broke after being dropped by me quite a few times. as far as leaving it on thats a good way to start a fire. mine turns off automatically after 45 minutes or so a good feature i think.

Illegal Smile

I have a da buddah and I use it at 2 o'clock and I read that it is better to let it cruise at 11 o'clock if you will be using it again in the next hour or so, so that's what I do. Of course only if I'm there to be tending it.


there is debate about turning a pc off every time you finish using it. Some people think that booting up is very stressful on the electronics, others feel that the pc should be turned off after each use. This may or may not apply to vaporizers(which use a printed circuit board).

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i cant imagine it hurts them there very simple devices. my first one had gone on and off hundreds of times over a year dropping it multiple times was its undoing.


Well-Known Member
My Da Buddha is on 24/7 at normal vaping temperature and has been that way for almost a year. Still going strong and my place hasn't burned down...


Active Member
do you leave your car running 24/7??

obviously not because its not meant to, and neither is your vape. Turn it on when you want to use it, and off when your done...if you can't wait the few mintutes for it to turn on and get working then we need to work on your patience.

Illegal Smile

I think the point is that if the off time will be fairly short, it is less wear and tear to leave it on than turn it off and on. Mine is pretty much on 9-5 (working hours).


Active Member
the extreme vaporizer from arizer is dope as fuck. I got one a year and a half ago and it is sweeeeeeeet. They fixed it for only 20$ too when i dropped it off my desk and it was unusable, not to mention the remote control for it is pretty cool too. definitely a good buy, even though it was 290$
I would not leave your vap on for 24 hours a day. That is without a doubt guaranteed to burn it out faster than turning it on and off multiple times a day. The electronics behind a vaporizer are very simple its basically the equivalent of baseboard heating units which you can turn on and off multiple times a day or years and years without them going bad and when they do go bad its usually cause you have run it so long that it burns out.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
if your in cali or another earthquake prone state and you leave your vape on all the time its your own fault if you lose your home to fire or have your grow discovered because of fire. safety first common sense.