leavein my plants


so i geuss im going away for like a week , i was just wondering does anyonw noe of a way i can automaticly water my plant and any tips to help me keep it alive while im gone


Active Member
depending on how often ur soil dries out i'd just give it a nice watering. is it in the ground or in a container, how old is it?


You can set up a system of tubes hooked up to a timer that bring water to your plants (if you have the money and effort to spare). Otherwise, have you ever tried those aquaglobes? I use them for other houseplants sometimes and I like them, but I've never used them on my girls. Maybe, if you have a few days before you leave you can stick one of those globes in there and test it before you go, to see if it reliably delivers the right amount of water.
i dont know if this will help but..

i have heard of poeple training their plants to be able to survive dry periods. for example i talked to one guy who would start off his plants inside in the spring and then water them only when they would start to sag and become dry. then he was able to leave those plants alone in the wild for long periods of time without having to go and water them.