Leaves and flowering...help!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a quick question for everyone....How important are the leaves in the flowering stage? I ask this because I am going to be flowering in a few days and I kingd of wanted an idea as to what role the leaves play...Is it significant?


Well-Known Member
I have a quick question for everyone....How important are the leaves in the flowering stage? I ask this because I am going to be flowering in a few days and I kingd of wanted an idea as to what role the leaves play...Is it significant?
Dont cut the leaves off unless necessary... Your leaves catch light for your buds.... and are used for photosynthesis during flowering...


Well-Known Member
... leaves play a major part in feeding ur buds. Only remove if absolutely neccessary, otherwise tuck em outta the way.


Well-Known Member
2 schools of thought on this, one that getting light to the actual Buds will improve their growth and two that cutting leaves off will get the light to the buds better. Try an experiment and cut leaves off half the plants, leave the other plants alone. After harvest weigh it all up and see if the uncut plants out yielded the cut ones.

Miss Ganja

Unfortunately my cat got into my growspace once and pruned the hell out of some young plants in veg... I saved them from their trauma, and then when they flowered I noticed that all of buds on the bottom of one lady became hermaphroditic somehow, (I think cuz of too much ambient light at the time of flowering). So I chopped off the hermi bottom buds. Anyway, the fan leaves at the bottom by where those hermis were became completely yellow from lack of nitrogen, so I tucked them away and focused the light on hitting the remnants of the botched hermi flowers... and soon they became nice and feminine. However, I did have a harvesting problem with it regardless (couldnt just harvest the whole thing at the same time cuz the bottom had a temporary sex-change on me and took way longer to harvest than at top). Hope that helps you.

Miss Ganja

The N has messed up the taste for me in the past. Thats why I like to make them fast a little before harvest.


Well-Known Member
Yes, photosynthesis is important. But on my previous grow I simply did not have the space for 8 plants in the armoire with full leaves. I needed better light penetration and air flow. So I would trim heavily. But I also added CO2. With the CO2, they would recover from the trimming in one night and by the end of a week would be just as bushy again, and require trimming.

So, I personally think the difference is CO2, if you need to trim for whatever reason. To be certain, that there was no loss in overall production, of course, I would have to run two side by side. But as I said, plants are tight inside armoires, and light and air flow is very important, too.