leaves and mildew


so i have some pictures below some the first coupel are just to show off my setup :), the new kids, the teens, and both together.

my question is in the 'curls' up close picture, what deficiency is causing my leaves to do this? its only happened since thye got a little bigger, but i'm not sure what this is from, i'm using the 3 part flora micro,grow,bloom mixed pretty much how the bottle said to in a 35ish gallon res.

also for any san francisco growers, how the FUCK do you take care of powdery mildew...i've tried many things but its everywhere and keeps coming back unless i blast with neem or serenade every single week. let me know if there's an easier way

thanks riu


New Member
try greencure has about a 10-12 day effect...

the only other thing is a sulfur vape...but you want 3 weeks inbetween a oil application and a sulfur treatment or you will burn your leaves...in flower dont use the last 3 weeks




Well-Known Member
Check your temps,increase airflow,easy on the nutes,and water...Lower your humidity,or grow mildew resistant strains


Well-Known Member
Check your temps,increase airflow,easy on the nutes,and water...Lower your humidity,or grow mildew resistant strains
spray diluted milk and your mildew problems will be gone, i have tried it and it work wonders, everyone who has tried it swears by it 1 part milk 9 part water spray all over twice a week for a couple of weeks and you will be sorted


thanks so much for all the powdery mildew ideas, i'm going to try them in order of ease and cheapness and let you know the results...about the milk can you elaborate, just like 2% and spray the mix all over everything?

however i'm still interested in the curling leaves. as far as reducing nutes, i would say this is a deficiency because the stems are growing faster than the leaf tissue, i'm just not sure what deficiency it could be.

again i'm using 3 part gh flora micro,grow,bloom
if it makes a difference i use filtered water (i have a small boy dechlorinater, but my nuts have calcium and magnesium in them.

if i had to guess it would maybe be cal/mg just because i filter my water, or possibly molybdenum from reading symptoms, but that is supposed to be ultra rare and i don't know how to fix or tell if its that for sure.


From my experience the heavy curl is either under or over watering. I know it sounds ridiculous but if I over water they droop and if I go a week without watering them they droop. I finally figured out that once I started to flower that I had to water more or more often. Havent started my journal yet but plan on doing so this week. Good luck.


From my experience the heavy curl is either under or over watering. I know it sounds ridiculous but if I over water they droop and if I go a week without watering them they droop. I finally figured out that once I started to flower that I had to water more or more often. Havent started my journal yet but plan on doing so this week. Good luck.
interesting...i thought it was very very difficult to over water them in a hydro setup since overwatering to my knowledge is from the soil being to wet and blocking oxygen,....since the roots are free to air most of the time its probably not that.....here's more details to see if you think its underwatering, or let me know if i'm incorrect with what i think :)

4x4 tent 7' tall
2 600w lumatek hps hortilux air cooled
temp 77-80F
humid 30-40%

lights 8pm-8am
30 min @ 815p
15 min @ 11p 2p
30 min @ 5a
15 min @ 1p

hydro ebb and flow if you can't tell from the pictures :)


Dragon I apologize for the word vomit. I grow in soil. I have not grown hydroponically, there fore I should have not commented. Nice set up though. I do believe with some hydro sets you could possibly suffocate roots with water but again I don't know. Good luck, nice set up.