Leaves and plant acting strange


Active Member
Hi guys,

I'm busy with my first grow. Only have 2 plants - 1 is Himalayan Gold and the other is Super Skunk.

Basically the Skunk plant is growing nicely but the Himalayan which is right next to the Skunk, using the same water etc is is acting strangely. The leaves, have started developing holes and changing colour and the plant itself is really small even though it was planted the same time as the Skunk. I honestly can't see any bugs or anything like that and I can't put it down to nute burn given that the Skunk is growing just fine in the same environment.

Just looking for some advice really as to why the leaves are acting like this. I've put some pics up so you can see what I mean.

Also, my plants haven't come out bushy as I expected them too and look quite lean. Can anyone advise on something I've done wrong?

As mentioned its my first ever grow so go easy on me please.




wht is ur npk ratio? wht nutes some bat guano will cause mold if too moist causind ur leafs to wilt in the manor urs r.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
my first ? would be how often r u watering it could be watering to often. invest in a recycling timer u can dial those babies in to run from 1 second to 40 min on to 1min to 8 hours off. i think they r a must for anyone using flood and drain which is what i swear by for the simple fact that if the power goes out u can still hand water
Try and trap your light ,some Alunim foil ,or cheap panaling .Could always add some side lights to get more bottom growth.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Pinch the big one on the left. It will bush it up and stop it from stretching. That light is way too far away.


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell what's going on with the color of the pics, but it is possible one has nute burn. Different strains react differently to nutes - some take more, some are super sensitive. The "lean" look you're seeing is because the plants are too stretched, from the light having been too far away - not really anything you can fix at this point. You didn't say what (size) light you're growing under - if it's a 400w or above, it's better to start off under a couple CFL's or a fluoro tube - helps reduce stretch early in veg from the distance the light has to be.