Leaves are All Drooping. Heat Stress? Pics


Well-Known Member
I think maybe there werent enough holes in the 5 Gal. and the water never drained through and it possibly got root rot... IDK.


Well-Known Member
God that sucks. If your container didnt have proper weep (drain) holes, then your plant most likely drown. I hate hearing that, sorry bro.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I was in yesterday and she was looking like a champ, then I came back to her 24 hours later and she's all droopy. It was a warm day today. Does this look like Heat stress to you?View attachment 1618120View attachment 1618121View attachment 1618122

Anyone have this happen and was able to save her? She was fine just yesterday...

There are better pics on page 2. I just took new ones.
Because most of the solid growers have been booted from the site...


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking maybe my exhaust fan is not working so well. The filter may be bad. Once it comes on im going to check it and get a humidity gage.


Well-Known Member
Did you forget to water them and they ended up like that? Ive had this happen, they will wilt like that and if you wait to long the leaves will get crispy. If you wait till that point then they most likely wont bounce back.. But leave them for about a week and you could possibly see new growth..


RIU Bulldog
You say the 5 gallon was nothing but roots and that when you transplanted the middle of the rootball was warm. Thats really bad...
Your roots have become so overgrown that they are strangling the plant. I don't know the science to explain all but if you let the plant become root bound for too long then it will die from lack of oxygen. It also looks like some heat, but due to lack of ventilation. Maybe check your exhaust/intake ports, and you don't have any, then get some dummeh! 90+ isn't ideal, but if the air was flowing right, the plant wouldn't die.
First off, if your plants are as root bound as you say they are, your gonna need to do some root pruning. It would be easier if you were growing in a square pot but oh well.

Take the plant out of the pot and get your self a large serated knife, like a bread knife. Next, take the knife and cut the spun out part of the plant off, like your cutting a pineapple. Top to bottom, about 1/4 in deep from the sides ( you might have to do like a 1/2 in depending on how big your roots are). Don't forget the bottom, 1/4-1/2 inch off the bottom too. That way when you transplant, the roots have somewhere to go and it will stop the spinning and you'll have room to add good soil.
I know root pruning sounds scary, but it's very common. Do this whether your gonna put it back in the same pot, or if your gonna transplant it in a bigger one.
Btw, what kind of soil are you using? It looks like crap from the pictures. Sorry. If your gonna use soil, you gotta add perlite or something so it drains better and doesn't stay wet all the time.
Next, take you plant out from under the lights. It's too sick to handle all that intensity. If you must keep it in the closet for security or whatever, cover it with agricultural sun shading, or burlap. Just make sure you diffuse the light to that plant because it can't take it.
Stop with the additives.
The only thing you should give that plant until it gets better is b-1 for the transplant shock and the shock it's gonna get when/if you prune the roots. You could use superthrive but you can get a gallon of b-1 at homedepot for $5.
You might wanna cut of a good branch and check the center. If it's brownish or rust colored, you probably have fusarium/verticulum wilt. If you do, that's a whole different story.

What I would do is prune the roots, get some really good soil from the hydro shop, transplant into a bigger pot, water with r/o water and b-1, move to a different room and re-evaluate my relationship with Jesus...

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Beansly, Thank you SOOOO MUCH for the info. It turned out to be my exhaust fan. I got the activated carbon filter SOAKED and it wasn't pulling out barely ANY air. So I removed the filter and now it smells like HELL out back but it seems to be helping (they have stabilized, or so it seems), I have pruned off all the dead. watered the SHIT out of them and now (30 hours later from the watering) I can see the soil getting dry. The humidity is at about 70% right now but thats sure to go down (I will keep an eye on it) if it don't I will be forced to buy a dehumidifier. I am using ...DUUNN DUUUNN DUUUNNNN Miracle Grow Potting soil (the soil itself if really well draining) it just has ALLOT of nutrients, but there all released by watering so as long as I SOAK them ever 3 days or so (or when the top 2 - 3 inches of soil is dry) I actually get AMAZING herb. It's a big dangerous with the MG soil though, I actually used the same soil for a year. After the first batch was done I used all liquid nutrients and since the soil had a mild amount of nutrients (because it was reused) I was able to make them dance to my every song and it came out great. Where I am now it "just" stated getting really humid and hot and I am pretty sure with my wet activated carbon filter, the fan was not removing the old stagnant air and the inside fans were just blowing around crap air causing them to rot. I know some thing I said were probably wrong. I am an OK Gardener but I am far from a veteran. So if you have "any" suggestions or experiences with what I'm talking about, please let me know. Thanks again all and thanks again to you Beansly!


RIU Bulldog
Beansly, Thank you SOOOO MUCH for the info. It turned out to be my exhaust fan. I got the activated carbon filter SOAKED and it wasn't pulling out barely ANY air. So I removed the filter and now it smells like HELL out back but it seems to be helping (they have stabilized, or so it seems), I have pruned off all the dead. watered the SHIT out of them and now (30 hours later from the watering) I can see the soil getting dry. The humidity is at about 70% right now but thats sure to go down (I will keep an eye on it) if it don't I will be forced to buy a dehumidifier. I am using ...DUUNN DUUUNN DUUUNNNN Miracle Grow Potting soil (the soil itself if really well draining) it just has ALLOT of nutrients, but there all released by watering so as long as I SOAK them ever 3 days or so (or when the top 2 - 3 inches of soil is dry) I actually get AMAZING herb. It's a big dangerous with the MG soil though, I actually used the same soil for a year. After the first batch was done I used all liquid nutrients and since the soil had a mild amount of nutrients (because it was reused) I was able to make them dance to my every song and it came out great. Where I am now it "just" stated getting really humid and hot and I am pretty sure with my wet activated carbon filter, the fan was not removing the old stagnant air and the inside fans were just blowing around crap air causing them to rot. I know some thing I said were probably wrong. I am an OK Gardener but I am far from a veteran. So if you have "any" suggestions or experiences with what I'm talking about, please let me know. Thanks again all and thanks again to you Beansly!
I'm glad you got it under control. MG isn't bad really. I used it for a long time and still do sometimes. I have amend it with perlite for my liking and of course you have to adjust the way you feed your plants, but if you do that, you get perfectly fine plants. Yeah, the reason I knew it wasn't heat is because I grow in Las Vegas. It regularly gets over 100 degrees F here and my plants still grow fine outdoors. If the air's moving nicely, 90 isn't great, but it'll live. With temperatures that high and roots so big, you'll have to water every 2-3 days or twice a week. Good luck man, hope things are going good.