Anyone that can help me out here would be great. I am new to the growing world and with all the information out there I can't find what is going on. Temperatures are between 72-76,humidity 40-50%,canopy temp is about 75. My Ec is around 1.7. Ph is constant 5.8-6.1. I am thinking it is a nutrient issue bit am reluctant to just start guessing. The leaves are curling up and down at the tips. The leaves are drying right out. I don't believe it is the light as I have raised it. The grow cubes are pretty dry by the time the second feedng is taking place. They were only being fed once a day with a drip system. There are two fans lightly blowing on the plants. This one is the furthest away. Air is exchanged every 10-15 minutes.
I am going to try to just water with ph balanced water and epsom salts. To see if it is over fertilized. It is the runt of the litter and may be too small to take what I am giving it.
It looks like a phosphorus deficiency
I am going to try to just water with ph balanced water and epsom salts. To see if it is over fertilized. It is the runt of the litter and may be too small to take what I am giving it.
It looks like a phosphorus deficiency