Leaves are curling up...plant is not growing...HELP!!!


Active Member
Here's three pics of my plants. They are about 10 inches tall and have been growing since August 5. The one plant's newest leaves started curling at the edges inward. Depending on watering the leaves turned up or down at the tip. Also, another two of my plants newest leaves have this dark green papery look to them..as if they would be brittle to touch, but they are not. I would apreciate any help for my "kids"!!! Thank you!!!!!!!



Active Member
yeah need more input... leaves curling can be lots of things, as for the papery look.... could be alot of different things...


Well-Known Member
I would say heat, but really cant say anything cause dont know your conditions. PM me when you got those pics up


Active Member
Guys thanks for the quick reply. I have the plants in miracle grow soil (half gallon pots with drainage), and feeding them bottled spring water as needed. I have them inside a reptile aquarium and humidity is 60% with an avergage temp of 70-75 degrees F. Light cycle is 20/4 right now. Distance of lights to tips of plants is approx 7 inches. The lights are inddor growth lights from home depot. The problem initially started with one plant while they were being left outside during the daylight.
As far as Ph, I honestly do not know. I guess I will be needing to head over to the nursery and get some strips if needed


Well-Known Member
got some problems man,
1. miracle grow
2. lights close depending on how many watts.
3. when leaves do that its becasue of LACK of water,( too much water and they droop down)


Active Member
yeah you need to check your ph in a bad way... i was using miracle grow when i started growing my last plant and had serious ph problems due to it... some people will tell you its ok to use but you will eventually notice really deformed leaves and they may start to wrinkle some and just look odd... you can get a ph meter for your runoff and the water that you are watering with from walmart fish section for like 6 dollars. you also need to water your plant when you can stick your finger into the soil about 2 inches deep and it feels dry, the roots like to air out, it helps them absorb oxygen. if you switch your soil you could use something like fox farm ocean forest- can be little expensive bout 20 bucks, or you could use sunshine brand or pro mix. i have only used ffof out of these and it is GREAT you only have to feed your plants after 30 days because the soil contains so many good nutes already.

oh yeah, if you are using cfls your lights are NOT too close they should actually be 3-4 inches from the tops of your plants.


Active Member
I had a similar problem, leaves were dry....ended up being wind burn ..fan was to powerful.
^not saying this is your problem but...dont rule out anything :) more then likely its a ph problem.