Leaves are Dry on plant..


Well-Known Member
2 26w Daylight CFL's

One fan blowing into the grow box (dressar)

Added fan other day, should I have it blowing air in our out?


Active Member
dude from what i've heard and read just having a fresh breeze blowing across the plants is all you need. just my two cents. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
i say hav it blow cuz iv got 2fans, ones a thin tall ocilating fan and the other a small
normal fan but i dont even use the small one. all i do is hav the tall fan rite by the door to suck fresh air in and blow it on my plants and i put it on ocilation occasionaly to hav it blow all the hot air out for a while and remove hot pockets. just my 2cents too


Active Member
yeah that sounds fine to me. just need to move the stale air out plus having the wind blow on the plants promotes stem strength. i say blow dont suck. sorry didnt emphasize that the first time. hehe