Leaves are turning yellow/brown/purple (pics)


Well-Known Member
Here it is in simple terms.. When a plant starts to flower it is using more energy and more food in order to reproduce. Now with flowering foods they are usually lower in N, thus when the plant is trying to produce buds and new leaves that surround the buds they are using lots of nitrogen which flowering foods don't have alot of.. Get her fed some veg food and she will be fine. Feed a couple time with it because 1 feeding isn't gonna be enough


Well-Known Member
Start with 2-3 teaspoons per gallon and go from there. And sorry if I already explained my theory on the N thing but i'm a little burnt today

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Cacksbud. Max is right, you need N. You should have started your own thread on your plants tho......Bad form to hijack someone elses.


Active Member
what can i say im a newbie to the site, my bad, i made my own thread, leaves are turning yellow? help??
and thanks

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
No prob, I was new too at one point. Didn't mean to sound like a dick or anything. Just pointing that out. It's all good.