LEAVES CLAWING/curling alot getting worried

big t.a

Active Member
i hope someone answers you cause i have been looking all over the net to figure what to do for the same problem.


Active Member
As far as I read round the net it's phospourus deficiency in early stage...what are you fertilizing with?I'm not sur 100%...
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Well-Known Member
MG super bloom is 15-30-15 i believe. most bloom ferts are higher in potassium, for example pure blend pro is 1.5-4-5. you can try adding supplementary potassium by using molasses and see if it does anything for you. folks around here seem to like it.

big t.a

Active Member
I was Using Schultz Orchid 19-31-17 for 3 wks of flowering before noticing the problem, now I have switched to Flora Nova Bloom. Someone said I was given bad advice because Schultz has allot of shit in it. I'm in mid 4th wk I have watered twice with Flora Nova Bloom, last night I flushed and gave half strengh Flora Nova with H2O2, some perking up this morning will keep posted.

big t.a

Active Member
do you think its the molasses? I bought an $8 thermostat/humidistat. the temp is 90F with the lites on and 27% humidity 70F with lites out and 37% humidity. way low from what i read. Should be around 50-60 @ 90F


Well-Known Member
I try to keep mine down below 90f, I gues my ideal is 75-85. RH around 50-60...I believe..I know its in the growfaqs, Also it said something about you could have higher temps with co2. Happy growin.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
hmm i think we have heat stress...? mine were a lil close to the light but i moved it down but im not sure what the hell is happening