leaves cupping - V shape

This can also be a sign of nutrient deficiency. I'm pretty sure thats magnesium deficiency but check the link in my signature to make sure.
Could be a magnesium deficiency, they're usually more cupped than V-shaped with magnesium def though. Could be slight over-fertilization, it might even be heat stress.

Are they still looking nice and green aside from the V-shape?
A pic would really help.
they are veryyyy healthy plants.
im workin with hydro just to let ya know.

only thing wrong is a little twist with some leaves, and the V
Get some pics? I have a similar situation just not that bad.. tho I think mine is because the leaves are samll and when they grew out bigger the V shape for me went away.. not feeding any nutes for me.. for the CFL's I would say about 2 inches from plants. I have 12 (26w) bulbs above my 3 plants and to be honest they dont grow very tall there nodes are REALLY close to gether.. not sure if thats good.. lol but for only 19k lumens its not much.. =/ are there any other signs? would like to see.
sorry when I say V shape I dont mean that verticle.
its a very small v
id say a 15 degree angle on each side going up to make a V.
i can not.
just picture a straight light.
then on each side, add 15 degrees goin up.


Above is an example of 1 side.
just pretend its a straight line from the ` to the very end of the -'s.
I think he means the plant's edges (not the tip) are curling up... kinda like when you roll your tung..? or like a hotdog bun half way opened rather then completly open and flat.. V referring to the veiw when looking directly twards the plant from the tip inwards.. not above and not below..
Same thing is happening with one of my seedlings. I don't know what the problem is. They all look good color and water wise. I've decided to put them under a couple 15 watt CFL's untill I can have time to transplant them or buy more at the end of the week.
It's not a problem man. Don't worry about it. Your plant is just reaching for the light. Mine does that and the light is an inch away. Once you take your plant out of light completely, in about a half-hour the leaves will be back down. (Most likely)


Bad picture, but see how the top leaves are in a "V" shape? After it's nap everyday, the leaves are almost droopy a bit. Hal-f hour of light makes them a "V" again.