Leaves curl and turn upside down?


New Member
I have a plant that is just about to go to flowering, but some of the leaves are dark, spikey and curl and turn upside down. This is happening on several parts of the plant, not all over.
I haven't fertilized in two weeks and have been using a pretty mild fish emulsion to feed them; no high tech here.
I don't know the strain, just some seed from a friend.



New Member
Bump again-
Does anybody have any input? The leaves are skinny, curling and dark green, the suface sems scaly.
Could this be nute burn?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look or sound like nute burn but whatever it is as long as your plants are growing I wouldn't fret over it. As I've said time and again fuck the leaves it's the bud that matters.
I've only heard of deficiencies causing leaf twisting. They look otherwise healthy, though. Check the deficiencies page on here. Might be a micro nute or something that you're lacking. In which case, it would probably be an easy fix by just adding a little something extra to your fish emulsion mix. On the other hand, super dark leaves are a sign of nitrogen toxicity. So, do some reading on that sticky. I use it any time I see a spot or a particularly odd symptom.


Well-Known Member
I am puzzled, heat stress is possible, the leaves look otherwise ok in the other areas not overly green. I don't see the curling of the tips or clawing which would be N toxicity and your leaves would be super dark green. Personally I would give the girls a nice balanced feeding and see if that snapped them out of it. balanced NPK with micros which your fish should already have in it.
LMAO on bullwinkles comment.....fuck the leaves its all about the buds...........what in the hell enables a plant to produce buds.........leaves pure and simple.
Wish you the best of luck and hope it cools down a little for you.