Leaves curled downward


Well-Known Member
Ussualy in hydroponics you can see the changes in as little as a day to 3 days. Soiless can take a little bit longer before you see the results.

Remember PH should be 6.2-6.3-6.4 while in vegging using soiless mediums.

Flowering you will want to be in the 5.7-5.8-5.9-6.0 area.

Magnesium and or calcium is not normally required much until the 2ed and 3rd week in flowering. Sometimes they might need a touch more when they get fairly big.

Keep your humidity under 60% in vegging and around or under 50% in flower. Pump it lower on last 2 or 3 weeks to 40%-45% to stop chances of bud rot, increase turpines as well as resin production.

Try to keep them between 73F and 78F during flowering and 77F during nights for best results !

If all else fails... flush them good.
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Ussualy in hydroponics you can see the changes in as little as a day to 3 days. Soiless can take a little bit longer before you see the results.

Remember PH should be 6.2-6.3-6.4 while in vegging using soiless mediums.

Flowering you will want to be in the 5.7-5.8-5.9-6.0 area.

Magnesium and or calcium is not normally required much until the 2ed and 3rd week in flowering. Sometimes they might need a touch more when they get fairly big.

Keep your humidity under 60% in vegging and around or under 50% in flower. Pump it lower on last 2 or 3 weeks to 40%-45% to stop chances of bud rot, increase turpines as well as resin production.

Try to keep them between 73F and 78F during flowering and 77F during nights for best results !

If all else fails... flush them good.
Thanks man