Leaves Curling and Twisting


Active Member
Two plants growing indoors with cfls. Watering about every other day. This is day i wanna say 19 since transplanting into organic MG soil.
My first plant is growing really well almost doubled in size with new leaves, but some of the new leaves are twisting and im not sure if thats normal or not.
My second one is not growing up very much at all but its growing new leaves. Also its leaves are curling inwards awkwardly i dont think its the water because usually when thats the case they perk right up after getting watered. Also theyre not just drooping there kinda stiff in that position. If anyone can answer why theyre doing these things it would be much appreciated thanks!


Active Member
also forgot to mention that the leaves cupping(not twisting) started happening after i added more cfls to the plant.


Active Member
oh wow i never realized anyone answered this it never gave me a notification! Yeah its my first grow i messed up a lot... and it was rly hot in the room. I now have a air cooled 400w light and its cooler now then it was with the cfls and no vents. My next grow will be so much better...