Leaves Curling DOWN help! high temps! small buds!!


Well-Known Member
This is what i came back to after the weekend.

problems i know exist....

temps hit 100 because my ducting fell apart so the lights were no longer cooled.

temps normally are 85... i know this is too high. AC is being purchased this week.

ph sunk to 5.0 probably since the tanks also hit 86*F again normally 82 which is also too high.... will be fine when AC is in...

nutes are GH 1 part grow, 1 part micro, 1 part bloom at around 1/4 strength putting my ppm 500

had just recently flushed with floraclean for 2 days maybe 3 days before this happened.

i guess the only thing i need to know is will these plants turn it around and fatten up as i fix my problems?:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
aww these look pretty sad. i think you already know what your doing to fix problems you already know exist. good luck!


My girls are 6 wks flowering and look worse than yours. I over fert. mine 2 weeks back. I flushed and the leaves dried up and the buds are still getting largeer,