Leaves Curling Down


Active Member
Bcuzz Mix in 5gal buckets
Advanced Nutes Grow
~20-25% Humidity

Ever since I transplanted the leaves have been curling down and stems got very purple. I waited a little longer than usual to water after transplanting, so the roots may have dried out a little, but I soaked the buckets after. I also bent the stems, ( I maybe should have waited until they were past the transplanting stress). It looks like overwatering, but I haven't watered them in 4 days, im going to water them now since they're finally a bit drier. I originally hit them with around 600-700 ppm, this time I'll hit them with ~300-400. I've been trying to mist the room a few times a day to increase humidity. The plants which weren't transplanted seem to be doing fine still. Any advice? thanks a lot in advance



Well-Known Member
You got drainage holes in the bottom of your buckets?
Since you say the plants in original homes look normal, I would guess something in new soil?
Are those new buckets or were they washed out thoroughly?


Active Member
You got drainage holes in the bottom of your buckets?
Since you say the plants in original homes look normal, I would guess something in new soil?
Are those new buckets or were they washed out thoroughly?
I do have holes but I'm wondering if they're getting closgged/not big enough. I poked the holes today with a screw and no water came out, but maybe the water had already been absorbed/evaporated. I'll try drilling bigger hole ASAP... what else should I try in the mean time? And i didn't wash the buckets, but i just got done using them from last time. Thanks again


well i just transplanted and have a similar problem. have nt quite figured it out yet. the larger plants seem to show this worse than the smaller ones. it also makes the decision when to water a bit more difficult. if this pic is a few days after transplant, perhaps do it a bit sooner. my transplants under the induction light are the happiest. the soil was medium/hot. so like baka said u gotta let em get pretty dry, no nutes just good 6.5water, and get the light 5-10" back. temps 70 ish. so i m thinking transplant shock, roots disturbed, cant take up as much nutes/water/fresh soil to support plant=droopy leaves. wait for more new growth before any more nutes. last, any bugs in a sticky trap? as a caveat i v seen a few pics of other tplants and many have the droopy leaves. when u get this figured out we ll learn a thing or 2. somewhere down the line i d like 2 c ur leaves a lil darker green. my apologies if the pic is washed out due to the light. and take this post w a big grain of salt.


Well-Known Member
well i just transplanted and have a similar problem. have nt quite figured it out yet. the larger plants seem to show this worse than the smaller ones. it also makes the decision when to water a bit more difficult. if this pic is a few days after transplant, perhaps do it a bit sooner. my transplants under the induction light are the happiest. the soil was medium/hot. so like baka said u gotta let em get pretty dry, no nutes just good 6.5water, and get the light 5-10" back. temps 70 ish. so i m thinking transplant shock, roots disturbed, cant take up as much nutes/water/fresh soil to support plant=droopy leaves. wait for more new growth before any more nutes. last, any bugs in a sticky trap? as a caveat i v seen a few pics of other tplants and many have the droopy leaves. when u get this figured out we ll learn a thing or 2. somewhere down the line i d like 2 c ur leaves a lil darker green. my apologies if the pic is washed out due to the light. and take this post w a big grain of salt.
When I go to a new size pot, if I'm not paying attention to the weight when I do it,I just wait the first water until she starts to droop, then I know she's thirsty, and remember that feel/ weight.


Active Member
they're used buckets but they should be clean. I have holes in the bottom, I pokes a screw through them earlier to make sure water didnt come out (maybe it already got absorbed though). I'll try to drill larger holes ASAP. I'm not sure what else to do.. They're definitely getting worse and look like they may start loosing leaves and dying any day :(

sativa indica pits

Active Member
ewww.... those poor thing are going down!!!! what is the ph? did you over dose fert? have you tryed a flush on one of them? And let the soil get crispy dry, put a fan in thier direction will help them dry quicker. and try to get the humidy of the air up to around 60% spray water in the air and around the room. rh is 20-30 % in my flower room, not veg. good luck and check your ph to make sure its not wacked out.


Active Member
They continue to look worse. I'm using PH perfect nutes which I've never had problems with before, but my soil ph meter is reading ~7. I may have over nuted them initially, I guess ill try flushing one or two with 6.0 water. I just hope im not doing more damage by over watering them, but it doesnt look like theres much time left to let them dry. I've never had anything like this happen, very disappointing


Active Member
I thought it looked like overwatering too, but they haven't perked back up at all as they dried out. Plus I always soak my buckets after transplanting and I've only watered them twice now. Now I have to decide if i should continue to let them dry out or absolutely soak them by flushing with 6.0 water... :/ I guess I should drill larger holes today and try flushing one. If my problem is with poor drainage, is there anything else I can do now to increase air flow for the roots? And i did uproot one today for shits and giggles... The roots still look nice and white, although they haven't grown much since transplanting. Thanks for everyones help.


Well-Known Member
I thought it looked like overwatering too, but they haven't perked back up at all as they dried out. Plus I always soak my buckets after transplanting and I've only watered them twice now. Now I have to decide if i should continue to let them dry out or absolutely soak them by flushing with 6.0 water... :/ I guess I should drill larger holes today and try flushing one. If my problem is with poor drainage, is there anything else I can do now to increase air flow for the roots? And i did uproot one today for shits and giggles... The roots still look nice and white, although they haven't grown much since transplanting. Thanks for everyones help.
Well, if all is as you say, take ONE of them, soak it well, and watch for a couple hours.
If somehow they are dry and wilting due to that, you will know within a few hours.


Active Member
Its been about 4-5 hrs with 6.0 flush and its not looking any better :( I'm mostly watching any new growth because the old leaves prolly wont ever look healthy again. Any other ideas? thanks again

sativa indica pits

Active Member
how much did you flush thru your soil? Most growers say 2 to 3 times pot size, but I always go for 4-5 times the size of the pot. If its a 5gal bucket, i flush 20-25 gallons thru the soil....letting the right ph water sit in the soil for 30 min in between each 5 gallons poured thru. After the flush, plants start to perk up 1-3 days later and fully recovered by 6-7 days.

The plants will look droopy 1-2 days after a flush and this is normal. Once they start to dry out they come back to life.


ew they look crispy looks like you wrecked the roots to me bet it would be faster to just start over then try to correct the problem and reveg


Active Member
They were pretty rootbound when I transplanted so I tried to break up the roots a little, I suppose I could have damaged them in the process. Not sure what else could have damaged the roots. I only flushed with about 4 gallons, but I duno if flushing with more water will help unless it's a overnute/ph problem. Tips don't look burnt though, just curling down. At this point I wonder if it would be more beneficial to let them dry out all the way. Also, I'll never try bending again until they've adjusted to being transplanted.


Well-Known Member
They were pretty rootbound when I transplanted so I tried to break up the roots a little, I suppose I could have damaged them in the process. Not sure what else could have damaged the roots. I only flushed with about 4 gallons, but I duno if flushing with more water will help unless it's a overnute/ph problem. Tips don't look burnt though, just curling down. At this point I wonder if it would be more beneficial to let them dry out all the way. Also, I'll never try bending again until they've adjusted to being transplanted.
Don't worry about damaging the root ball.
When I t-plant, I make a mound of fresh soil in the new pot, cut an "X" across the bottom of the root ball, and spread it out over the mound, breaking it up a bit to loosen the outer roots.


well its the day after watering 2 that were light and no perk up of my transplants, droopy leaves persist. new growth is coming so its wait and observe. i m pretty sure my soil is hot and i ve been treating for fungus knats. transplants from a month ago just started to show some nute burn. these got some granular mycos at the root level. no droop but they were much older than current tplants. so any mycos or aacteas used? i ve got a tea brewing now, that ll b next, after they dry out. man it d great to have some quick resolve to ur issue. and seems all the suggestions take so much time...rrrrrrrrrr oh and is the soil ph ok?


Well-Known Member
well its the day after watering 2 that were light and no perk up of my transplants, droopy leaves persist. new growth is coming so its wait and observe. i m pretty sure my soil is hot and i ve been treating for fungus knats. transplants from a month ago just started to show some nute burn. these got some granular mycos at the root level. no droop but they were much older than current tplants. so any mycos or aacteas used? i ve got a tea brewing now, that ll b next, after they dry out. man it d great to have some quick resolve to ur issue. and seems all the suggestions take so much time...rrrrrrrrrr oh and is the soil ph ok?
How do they look today my friend. I feel like now it was because they were rootbound and the shock of getting transplanted and stems bent at all at the same time kinda made them sad.