Leaves Curling Down


Active Member
Some of them have definitely shown signs of improvement. I'd say the two that got flushed look the worse, although it seemed like a decent idea at the time. I think they really just need to dry out, and I increased the humidity in the room from ~20 % to ~40%, so that probably helped too. I think Cpapp is correct about them getting hit with stress from bending, transplanting, and maybe over watering all at once. I'm still confused about the over watering though because I alsways soak them after transplant. I'm still going to drill some bigger holes in the buckets just to be sure. Thanks for everyones input. It does look like ill be able to salvage all if not most of the babies.


New Member
Bcuzz Mix in 5gal buckets
Advanced Nutes Grow
~20-25% Humidity

Ever since I transplanted the leaves have been curling down and stems got very purple. I waited a little longer than usual to water after transplanting, so the roots may have dried out a little, but I soaked the buckets after. I also bent the stems, ( I maybe should have waited until they were past the transplanting stress). It looks like overwatering, but I haven't watered them in 4 days, im going to water them now since they're finally a bit drier. I originally hit them with around 600-700 ppm, this time I'll hit them with ~300-400. I've been trying to mist the room a few times a day to increase humidity. The plants which weren't transplanted seem to be doing fine still. Any advice? thanks a lot in advance
I'm not sure what this is but I've had it come and go on my current grow...


New Member
Can you put up some recent pictures, since you have done the flush?
Maybe it can help distinguish with the difference between the flushed
and non flushed to pinpoint the problem.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
a flush will make you think your plants are going to die... dont worry, once they dry out they will recover. it takes about a week so just keep an eye on them. You flushed with the right ph water? and at least 3-4 times the size of the bucket? all should be good altough they look like shit right now. I have had the shittyest looking plant in my whole grow come back and stomp the healthy plants. just sit back and relax. put a fan on em too, will help em dry up faster.