Leaves curling down


New Member
Hi everyone! I want to start saying I'm a newbie with growing cannabis. I just planted an ak automatic feminized, but since 3 days i've noticed that the leaves are starting to curl down. The type of soil that i was using was retaining too much water, but now i've changed it. I've no idea if this problems depends by the type of soil were my plant was, but i've seen somewhere that can be water retention(but i'm not sure). Can you please help me? Thank you to everyone!


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Might be fine, might not. Hard to say if roots were established or damaged with your transplant, or how hot your soil is. Stay tuned and see what happens.
It will pull out soon
Sometimes they are slow (this sets master from noob apart lol) but they will eventually take off :)
Just a tip. Those seedlings have not been alive long enough for any action to be taken especially as drastic as transplanting. Seedlings need only moisture and time.

The curled down appearance is likely just overwatering. The poor little things can’t handle drowned roots.