Leaves curling downwards


Well-Known Member
19 day old plant.. leaves curling downwards, otherwise looking healthy and growing healthy.. is it normal or should I be concerned?


Well-Known Member
like drooping down or clawing down..if leaf claw its from overferting..if droop it could be over/under water...peace az


Well-Known Member
I took two pics so you can see exactly how the leaves are.

28042008174.jpg 28042008175.jpg

Mind you though only a few of them are like this.. here's a picture of the whole plant.



Well-Known Member
I'll try to slow down on the watering anyway just in case the top few inches dry up and the bottom would still be wet, I got a moisture meter.. I should start using it. Thanks for the input though
they look good to me as it is... stick to your water schedule and get a big ass light over their heads and sing them songs when they go to sleep actually they should get 24/0 of lights so they grow faster ha