Leaves curling drastically!


Active Member
Hi everyone,

See the attached pictures. This small plant (just put it in soil about a week and a half ago) was doing fine, until one day the leaves started drooping/curling as you see in the pics.

I am using Fox Farm seed starter soil, and was watering with distilled water until a couple of days ago when I added some Fox Farm Big Bloom (it was still fine for a few days after that, then the curling started). I have it under 6500k CFL's - have tried using 2 lamps pointed directly at it (in case it wasn't getting enough light), and now I have switched to 1 light a little further away (in case the 2 were generating too much heat - sometimes the soil felt pretty warm to the touch).

Anyway, nothing seems to be working! Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
to early for nutes, looks overwatered, and why are you using bloom on a sprout? do you have any drainage holes in the bottom of those cups?


Active Member
I'm using big bloom on it based on the soil section of the guide at marijuanagrowguide.net. I have grown a couple times in the past and not used bloom until the veg state, but that guide says to use it early so I figured I would try it.

I do have 4 slits at the bottom of the cup, and I have been very careful about making sure the water drains through them fully. I will scale back the watering - I was thinking that might be the problem, but the top of the soil seemed hot and dry so I have watered a number of times (maybe too many). Do you think I should use 1 light or 2? They are 26w 6500k CFL bulbs, which the box says is equivalent to 100watt standard bulbs.

Thanks again!
pick up the cup when soil is dry all the way through, that is how you tell it is time to water. Pick it up when it's wet and you'll see the difference.
You'll be ok with one light for now, I use two of the CFLs equivalent to 100w each, but my plant is MUCH bigger than yours, and is about to show the world his/her gender (let's cross our joints and pray to Bob Marley it's a girl). Besies the curling, are there any markings evident on the leaves?

Definitely looks like too much water and QUITE possibly too much nutes for a seedling, cut back the watering regiment and we will see if your baby will pull through, but you should be ok after that.