Leaves curling in DWC. PLEASE HELP!!


Active Member
I have a plant growing in a DWC system and the old AND new leaves are curling.

The plant looks heallthy otherwise with real green leaves.

What is going on here?

PH 6.4 and am giving nutes (Flora Nova Grow).

Any help would be appreciated.




Well-Known Member
how close do you have the light and what kind of light are you using? mine did that when they got to close to the light and the tips turned yellow.


Active Member
how close do you have the light and what kind of light are you using? mine did that when they got to close to the light and the tips turned yellow.
I am using 4 26W CFL's. I have a fan blowing on the plant though. It doesn't seem to be too hot but the plant.

The tips are not yellow.

I though it was maybe too much nutes but I am not seeing any nute burn.


Well-Known Member
your ph is to high for dwc try and aim for around ph5.6.
and that should sort things out.

growem green--------------spike.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie