Leaves curling.... Too much nutrient? Hydro


I have some hash plant in a dwc setup that is 3 gallons. They are about a month old and I changed the water 5 days ago and upped the nutes a little from 400 ppm to 530 ppm and I lowered the t5 light so they are about 4 inches away. They don't look like they are dying or anything but the tips of the fan leaves are pointing up and the ends of the leaves are curling down. They stil look healthy and the roots look nice and white. I'm using ro water and the ph is at about 6 but it goes up everyday. They temp is 75 most of the time and humidity around 40. Anyone know what it could be. Or could it just be rapid growth? Help would be much appretiated:confused:


Can I just dilute it to make it better? I added water to make it have less ppm. There isn't any burned or yellowing leaves. Do you think that will help. It's crazy because I don't even use close to what the instructions say on the bottle and this is happening.