leaves curling under?? please help!!


Well-Known Member
so I have read loads bout this problem but I still unsure of what to do! i only noticed it today but all the new leaves are curling under. from the top to the bottom, all the fan leaves appear to be fine they are dark tho, the girl in question is in flower and has been for a week. please someone help!
I'm growing in soil and I have not given her any nutes for a good couple of weeks! I'm using same water as I have all grow so can't really c it Being that!


Well-Known Member
should I flush the plant with ph adj water or will this do more harm with her flowering? I have read the info on here but I'm really none the wiser! lol like I said the leaves are dark so is this N overload???

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
if you read the thread past the cause and solution the back and forth with uncle ben it sounds like there is too much moisture in your container let it dry out more ,


Well-Known Member
ok thanks alot man! I fuckin watered today too, what a dick I am! lol I dug down a bout an inch and it was dry that y I watered!
I just checked water ph and it's a tiny bit above the 6.5 is this a factor u think??

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
keep an eye on temps and back off on the water the foliage looks like its going to be ok if the roots can get oxygen


Well-Known Member
ok sound I'll keep an eye on her and I won't water as much! is it a bad idea to try gettin some perlite in th pot or will re potting at this stage do harm? like I said she in flower! I'm greatful for all the info thank man


Well-Known Member
so I have now repotted and I think not a moment to soon! wen took her out of her pot the roots were everywhere! I'll put pic of new pot next to the old 1 in a min! do u think it's rootbound if so what can I do???