Leaves curling up?


So here are my plants the strain is kalichakra from mandala. There about a month old and there planted in FF ocean forest. Probably about a week ago they started curling there leaves upwards, I've never seen this is any of my grows before.

Any ideas about what this could be? I have not fed them anything yet.



Well-Known Member
how often are you watering them? That soil looks pretty dry from the pictures...whats your heat like? A combination of underwatering + heat will cause the plants to curl up like that


It's actually taken them a while to dry up because I transplanted them about a week ago and watered thoroughly. I still havn't watered them since because they've been moist, I don't want to over water.

And the temps are good around 72-78.


Well-Known Member
you sure that's still moist? :D It looks a pretty light grey/tan color on top...do you have those bags sitting straight on the floor so the drainage holes can't actually drain?


Well-Known Member
Not all are doing it.... seems like the ones that are, the brightest ones are folding up.... try swamping locations with a few, if it helps, it maybe the light. all in all I think they look great!


Yeah massah, it's been a while since I've watered them thats why the tops are pretty crusty but underneath is still pretty moist. The bags are sitting on the floor but I also have holes on the sides that help them drain.


I believe upward curling is the sign of rapid growth from a healthy plant. Some of leaf tips in the last picture are curling down, maybe you need better drainage?


I thought I read that before igotgreen but I forget from where hopefully that's the case. I did also notice today that there was some orange spots on the leaf edges. Im not home now but I will post some pics tonight


Active Member
They should be fine. I would try and keep temps under 75, 78 seems a bit high. Especially if its a smaller room. You want temps 71-75 ish on average.