Leaves curling upwards, pics

Hey guys -

I have some plants in half gallon soil buckets that are about 4 weeks old. I just noticed after lowering the light, a 400 watt hps, to about 16" that a few of the leaves are curling upwards. I haven 't started fertilizing them and was thinking it was a nute deficiency or possibly heat stress.

Lemme know what you guys think it could be?

Also, was thinking of starting the flower cycle soon since they are in relatively small pots (was originally gonna do SOG) and I don't want to have to transplant them again. Do you guys think the pots can handle any bigger plants then they currently are, or should i start flowering them soon?



Hey man, gorgeous crop you got there.
Leaves usually turn upward if they are reaching towards the light source. are your light sources too far? put them about 6 inches away from your lovelies. Also, if the leaves are turning from green to yellow, you might have a nitrogen deficiency.


New Member
Hey guys -

I have some plants in half gallon soil buckets that are about 4 weeks old. I just noticed after lowering the light, a 400 watt hps, to about 16" that a few of the leaves are curling upwards. I haven 't started fertilizing them and was thinking it was a nute deficiency or possibly heat stress.

Lemme know what you guys think it could be?

Also, was thinking of starting the flower cycle soon since they are in relatively small pots (was originally gonna do SOG) and I don't want to have to transplant them again. Do you guys think the pots can handle any bigger plants then they currently are, or should i start flowering them soon?

if its only at the top and happened when u put the light closer then its most likely from the heat.....try putting a fan blowing over the canopy