leaves curling


Active Member
i have established clones and I have them under a hps light. I also have some seed plants that are also new to that light and the top leaves on the plants are curling up and almost over. just the outside edges of them. they have plenty of water and dont feel to be hot. Please help me out if you have any ideas. I also am giving them straight water. thanks please hit me back


Active Member
how close is the light to the top of the plant? usually you want to start at least 30 inches away and then lower it one inch a day until you are at your optimum height. there is a chart on here that shows you the lumens range, based on distance and wattage. if thats the only thing you have changed or introduced, it has to be it


Active Member
Thank you Izzy1978 I will try that. I am new to indoor growing and trying to learn as much as I can along the way. I have been an outdoor grower for years (much easier) so needing a little help at times. Thanks again....