Leaves curling.


Well-Known Member

i dnt knw how well the pic came out but the very tips of my plant have the leaves curling up as if they wana dry up but they are very much healthy. theyre just curling up. any advice on what this is? is it a problem?

and these are the tops of the plant, bud sites doing this all the other leaves are cool.


Well-Known Member
looks like heat stress. when its hot the leaves turn over and do whats called transpiration to cool themselves down. whats the weather been like lately?

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Couple things it could be...

It could be Heat Stress, as RockstarEnergy posted above. This will happen when the plant is in a warmer than usual enviornment and is going thru higher levels of respiration and trying to cool itself. Fall is about here, so if it's heat, you should be in the clear soon enough. Best option would be to spray down with cool water in the mornings around 7-9am before the sun is intense, and then spray down again in the evenings anywhere from 4pm and on. By avoiding 10am-3pm, you are avoiding the most intense parts of the day. If you attempt to spray your plants down, you will burn. The good thing is that the morning spray will help them take that period a lil better, and then when you spray at 4pm or later, keep in mind that 4-5pm are the hottest points of the day. So by spraying then, you'll be cooling the plants down greatly and giving them relief @ temps they normally won't see til 9-10pm n on. They WILL thank you for this misting if you take the time.

If it's not heat stress, then the "cupping" of your leaves could be what's called "praying for magnesium". This is what happens when they are Mag defecient and need a boost of those levels. I am currently using botanicare's Cal-Mag Plus to solve problems like that, but there's plenty of other products on the market, and even dissolving some epsom salts into a glass of water can do the trick at low cost.

It could be both problems working in tandem

Or it could be other more complicated micro defecencies, in which I'd need to see more pics or be there in person to see, so I'd recommend to you to try to give the two methods above a shot and if that doesn't work, crack out some information on all cannabis defecencies and any pictures available of what they actually look like, and do some comparisons to see what else it could be.


Well-Known Member
thats awesome you guys will never know how much you really save my ass. the leaves have been like this for roughly around 4days. Im in los angeles california so the weathers been up n down but nothing too over the normal when were discussing heat. at first when i noticed this problem i first presumed it was the leaves curling into a ball to form its first nuget of the season but now they seem to just be curling *the leaf tips* and not forming into a ball at all.

im going to try a bit of epson salt and see how that goes its very strange because i have around 4plants all in the same dirt space and this is the only plant that has this problem. any other probable causes to this curling?

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Awesome ... Good luck with the epsoms, and don't forget about the am/pm waterings & spraying down the plant completely to cool & keep hydrated! LA can get pretty damn hot, so you want to make sure your soil is never drying out.


Well-Known Member
as for watering i keep the dirt mostly stays moist and damp it goes completely dry like once a week. i am gona deff spray them am and pm to see if i notice any change. and ima eep every1 posted. i will snap more pictures tomorrow and post em.


Well-Known Member

i have not tried the epson salt tip yet. but this is how the leaves looked this morning i took two pics of the top two bud sites that are curling the worst. i misted them early morning and i misted them real good like around sunset.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
View attachment 1160934View attachment 1160933View attachment 1160932

I feel like im fucked it seems to be getting worse any advice?
Wow, those leaves on the last pic gave off a WAYYYY different impression ... There is no defeciency here, that is straight up NUTRIENT BURN

What you're gonna wanna do is switch to WATER ONLY for atleast 5-7 days and try to really flush that out of there. It sucks because anytime you're planted directly into the ground and not pots, it's much harder to flush soil that is overly potent. Hopefully there's lots of pockets in one specific area where the nute levels are too strong, so while you won't be able to flush them as well as pots, if you really soak the soal for a good 5-10 minutes each watering you should be able to get that nute buildup to disperse throughout a larger area of the soil, which will atleast reduce the PPM levels in every sq in of soil, rather than having a big buildup in one pocket where the roots are. If you can successfully do this without giving them too much water to where they are now facing an issue of drowing because the roots can no longer breathe & properly uptake nutes, well, then you'll be creating another problem for yourself.

This is a tricky & crucial time to save your plant, and I'd recommend searching for the many great forums on here about flushing soil & flushing outdoor plants. You'll find some great tips & info that will help you better achieve this process.

Best of luck!

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Another thing ... Have you checked the bottom of all your leaves for spider mites? One of those leaves looks like it could have that problem, too. They start from base fan leaves/branches and work their way around from there.


Well-Known Member
mazar you muther fucker i love you! i thought it was a nute burn too been lookng at plant problems thru out the forum and my leaves match the nute burn catagory. i am super to blame for this ive been using a home depot bought fertilzer that has a ratio of 15-35-10 and i let me hand slip when i was spreading the nutrient around the base of the plants.

im gona try n scoop out the bits of fertilzer that sit up top of the dirt and then flush the soil, as for the spider mites im gona inspect them today as well. Quick question how long will it take for them to bounce back?


Well-Known Member
I checked for mites and other bugs i found two real tiny grasshoppers so i threw them over the fence into the neighbors yard. *dnt have the heart to kill em* but no mites and no other pests.

the top of the dirt had all the pebbles of fertilizer so i scooped them up by hand and i completed flooded the dirt for about 10mins. i wont water for maybe a week and a half now but i hope the heavy watering flushed all the nutrients at least another level below the roots.

wish me luck you guys im gona need it.


Well-Known Member

Flooded the soil. any1 have any comments on the white foam on the water? it got me nervous so i scooped it out and threw it away from the plants.