leaves dieing from bottom help


hi in the past week my leaves have been shriveling up and dieing from the bottom its allready lost 4 sets of leaves and now its spreding to the next set ive been feeding em once every 3 weeks and wartering them when the soil gets dry is this lack of nutes or overwarter or underwatering can anyone please help this is my first grow btw
I have been having the same problem my plants are about a month old. The temperature is steady at 75 humidity fluxuates between 66 and 70%. I have been folliar feeding once every 4 days rinsing with just water for 2 days after . i am only using 2 40w flouresent lights. Maybe not enough light to the bottom? or some kind of defficency. i tested potassium that was good and soil ph is around 6 . ANY help would be great.


Well-Known Member
I have been having the same problem my plants are about a month old. The temperature is steady at 75 humidity fluxuates between 66 and 70%. I have been folliar feeding once every 4 days rinsing with just water for 2 days after . i am only using 2 40w flouresent lights. Maybe not enough light to the bottom? or some kind of defficency. i tested potassium that was good and soil ph is around 6 . ANY help would be great.
you may want to start ur own thread and put pictures up,


Active Member
That plant is stretching for light, get some better lighting as lack of light can cause the plant to become more susceptible to infection/disease. Doesn't look like the right flowering spectrum is provided,you are about 2-3 weeks into flower right?
How big is your pot?
It Looks to me like damaged roots, think of the soil as a mirror. If your leaf tips are dying from the tip you can assume your root tips are dying back too
Which is from oxygen starvation or roots drying out from air pockets/exposure
a good gauge of when to transplant is when the fan leaves grow outside the pots' edge

At the end of flower you shouldn't have your original "true leaves" from seed still attached to the plant regardless IMO. Either they die back or are chopped off so i wouldn't worry.
Look at overall health rather than one little leaf dying or something like that. If the OVERALL look is bad then you may have a problem. Keep learning though man! You will have herb soon enough.
Good Luck!