Leaves drooping after transplant into DWC bucket


Well-Known Member
Leaves looked straight in the RW,

I transferred into buckets and within 48 hours leaves are drooping and the single bladed leaves are turning light green and forming spots.


I have the RW and rocks covered with netpot covers, they are removed to show the roots coming out.

About 20 days since sprout, 4 days in bucket. Feeding .6EC.

I gave grown this strain in the summer with great success and at this point I was feeding .4EC then I saw a def. and upped to .6EC. SO maybe my .6EC is too much at this point?

Tap water is .13EC

Under 324W HO T5 (6 tube 4 ft)

Room is 76F/25% RH with lights on.


Well-Known Member
Man they still looking like mine did all except that last picture,I don't have any spots...yet.I changed out the water yesterday and hopefully they are looking better today.I due to check them in just a little bit,i'll let you know.Them leaves look the same as mine did,all droopy.


Well-Known Member
Kinda pissed. I used to plant like 13mm from the bottom of the netpot and got roots hitting water in 2-3 days. But the RW would get too wet regardless of water level because of so much bubble spray, believe me I lower the water like 6 inches below the pot and let it stay like that for a week and my RW was still drenched, and this would cause the usual overwatering symptoms.

This time I planted like 50mm up and 7 days no roots yet and while the RW is dry at the top, my plants still look shitty. Only other thing I did differently was not PHing the rocks or rinsing them.


Well-Known Member
for the first week its good after putting in the dwc buckets its a good idea to pop the lid off and scoop a cup of water out and water from the top till roots are decent and coming out the bottom.


Active Member
Just my 2 cents, It looks like there may be more then one thing happening here. The lower growth turning yellow always sets off my "low nitrogen" alarm, secondly the spots in the yellowing areas also makes me thing they are over fed in something. It may of been an imbalance of something that happened a week or 2 before since the new growth doesn't look affected. I wouldn't worry yet but they are a little unhappy....


Well-Known Member
Good Morning,I've done so much now I'm not sure what helped. After the water change on 2-1-13 they are looking better everyday,but it's slow. I want to see if that 1 partly yellow leaf up top turns back green.I didn't like the way it bubbled so I added another air pump. I have a top feed going at a pretty good flow,my small pump quit & I had to go to my larger pump.I don't know why I run the top feed after they are up & going,I just like the thought of more oxygen. Sorry for rambling wish I could help.Peace.