Leaves drooping and stems turning purple????


Active Member
i checkd out the FAQ plant problems and the sticky posted in here.... i dont see any problems and solutions for it.... i recently moved them outside due to a "friend (hah)" threatening to call the cops as a procaution... and with my luck... we had a LOT of rain... so im assuming the leaves drooping is because of the mildly shady spot i moved them too along with the water that has been beating down on the leaves for the past few hours... im sure i can get the leaves up when i move them into direct light for the day if the clouds clear up... but whats with the purple stems? (note, the leaves look normal except for the browning tips theyve began getting since theyve gotten taller (has to be the lack of light since ive done everrything else [water, lighting, soil, etc]) nearly flawlessly....

any input would be greattttt!


Well-Known Member
the leaves are dropped to all the rain, got a bit much water i guess;) the purple stems is a reaction to a temp drop recently, which isn't worse at all as long it doesn't freeze out there;)

dave on the decks

Active Member
purple stems is a good sign of the right calcium for them, what you want to do is just keep them out of the rain , as too much water can kill, not enough can be ok, just dont dry them for no more than a week, or they will die...how big is this plant you have,and is the sunshining on then ok, in direct sunlight, as this needs to have a good light spectrum for it to grow, if its in shade, that isnt really the best option,stick right under the sun,and u wont have no problems,gis a shout if u want to know more, dave


Well-Known Member
purple stems is a good sign of the right calcium for them, what you want to do is just keep them out of the rain , as too much water can kill, not enough can be ok, just dont dry them for no more than a week, or they will die...how big is this plant you have,and is the sunshining on then ok, in direct sunlight, as this needs to have a good light spectrum for it to grow, if its in shade, that isnt really the best option,stick right under the sun,and u wont have no problems,gis a shout if u want to know more, dave
where did you get that with the calcium please??! purple stems occur after temperature drops and have nothing to do with calcium.:roll:

this is validated fact on Calcium:
Calcium (Ca)
Calcium plays an important role in maintaining cell integrity and membrane permeability.

Calcium Deficiency:
Young leaves are affected first and become small and distorted or chlorotic with irregular margins, spotting or necrotic areas. Bud development is inhibited, blossom end rot and internal decay may also occur and root may be under developed or die back. Deficiency will cause leaf tip die-back, leaf tip curl and marginal necrosis and chlorosis primarily in younger leaves. Symptoms: young leaves develop chlorosis and distortion such as crinkling, dwarfing, developing a strap-like shape, shoots stop growing and thicken.

Calcium Toxicity:
Difficult to distinguish visually. May precipitate with sulfur in solution and cause clouding or residue in tank. Excess calcium may produce deficiencies in magnesium and potassium.


Active Member
thanks guys! the plants are about 12.5 and 13 inches tall. as for sun, they have just light, not enough... so im going to move them into it as soon as i know where it is... too cloudy right here right now... as for the rain... it better stop soon... theyre used to around maybe 1/4 cup every 2 days


Well-Known Member
and heavy rain is no problem in vegging outdoors as long the plant sits not in pure clay soil. if it is grown in sandy or mixed soil water will just drain away as soon the rain stops.

a bit more light never harms but light shade won't be a major damper on the grow too. so if the odds are more light and full exposure then to who ever i would rather stay a bit in the shade. best shade option would be a spot with a light clearing facing south so the plant stays hidden and still gets most of the light there is.


Active Member
and mine look nowhere as good as your dave, my stems stretchd so much in the beginning, so the first three sets of leaves are very very spaced out... im just happy because i have new growth coming from the lower leaves, so hopefully in about 2 weeks i can begin flowering and be doneeee with this for a while.. i love growing, but because of that supposed friend of mine, i have to put it to an end before my parents do... so hopefully i can make em last until i can harvest


Well-Known Member
thanks guys! the plants are about 12.5 and 13 inches tall. as for sun, they have just light, not enough... so im going to move them into it as soon as i know where it is... too cloudy right here right now... as for the rain... it better stop soon... theyre used to around maybe 1/4 cup every 2 days
move now as long as it rains, not to many people hanging out in such weather and as soon as the rain stops vegetation will hide the tracks you may left. rain can be a big fried sometimes;)


Active Member
well yeah, my plants are close by... they only get direct direct sunlight for id say... 4-5 hours day, while the rest isnt right on them... i meen, hey they definately grew... or the little one did... its been outside since 2 days ago and it finally is taller than the ruler... so its definately growing, so i cant complain... im trying to get them in direct sunlight so they can at least get some more growing and more on the lower leaves....


Active Member
yeah definately, except im not allowed to bring them back inside >.< since that ass may have ratted me out...

anyone know cop policies? can they come search just by word of someone? from a diferent town at that? like i meen get a warrant? i heard they need to get a report on a person first though, or thats what happened to my friend at least


Active Member
and i dont have to worry about leaveing tracks lol theyre close by to where NOBODY will see them... theyre only about 40 feet from the house


Well-Known Member
yeah definately, except im not allowed to bring them back inside >.< since that ass may have ratted me out...

anyone know cop policies? can they come search just by word of someone? from a diferent town at that? like i meen get a warrant? i heard they need to get a report on a person first though, or thats what happened to my friend at least
technically they will need a warrant for that but cops hardly ever stick to rules or laws themselves really. and if it is in your yard and in sight line with the house they can stick it on you for sure since you would have to had noticed suspicious trespassing on your ground then if this isn't yours...:roll:

really, if it is in a backyard growing and someone snitches this info to them they will state that they been investigating some unrelated shit they make up and enter your yard and just happen by luck to stumble over your baby.:evil:


Active Member
well i dont have to worry anymore... i made sure the guy didnt say anything, and its in view, but its not a giant or anything so its actually very unnoticable, considering many of my moms plants resemble the plant too... if the cops casme to investigate, itd take em a while to look through all of the plants, at least 45 minutes just to find or smell it.. :-d


Well-Known Member
they will not come after you for one plant you have to have a big crop going i hand an RCMP oficer come to my house and tell me that it was time to cut them down and i only had four stincky big trees and that was the last time i saw him i found out the guy next door how was growing too rated me out so i think you have nothin to worry about and that was in chillwack BC so i hop this will ease your mind