Leaves drooping down..! Help!!


hi guys,
I'm having problems with my plants...the lower leaves are really drooping and the are curling in ..I have no Idea what it might be...can someone please help...

I think i haven't been over watering them...I water them every 3 to 4 days with 500ml of ph balanced water each.....


Here is my canopy thou...the tops look very nice...today they are 2 weeks into fowering...



New Member
how often do u feed? looks like u have lil too much N
i would use straight water for a feeding or two
and u should always let the medium dry out some before watering again


yeah my leaves are curling....and clawing...I just bought one of the meters u stick in the soil to measure the moistness..and all of my plants marked high in wet...so ill let it dry almost to the end and water the next to feeding are going to be only water..