leaves drooping


Active Member
I checked in on my plant today, and the leaves were drooping. I just put it into flower a couple days ago. The leaves are a nice dark green, and look healthy, except they are drooping, I lifted one up gently and it fell back down. I am wondering if I need to adjust the watering schedule, I usually do it every other day with about 10 oz of water. I use an empty and cleaned out 20oz drink bottle to water it. Any thoughts? I'll try to have some pics up either tonight or tomorrow, although it will probably be tomorrow when I get them up as I might not get a chance before the lights go out tonight.


Active Member
Here are pics of the plant. Just watered it a day or so later than the schedule outlined above. I wondered if I need to change the watering schedule or increase the amount of water at one time.



Well-Known Member
What kind of soil do you use? I think watering every other day is too much, I water mine every 3 to 4 days, or until the soil is completely dry. What are you using for nutes?


Active Member
Soil is MG organic, not really using nutes, when I do it is Bloodmeal mixed in water - and that is once a week thing or every 10 to 12 days, but since I'm in flowering, I'll stop that. I'm thinking of using Blackstrap Molassass (SP?). It was doing fine with the watering schedule I had it on before flowering. What gets me is the leaves had gotten much darker green. Since this is Friday, I don't plan on watering until Monday at the earliest, thinking of Tuesday. Guess I'll play it by ear.


Well-Known Member
You should really have better drainage. I think that may be part of the problem, your soil is holding in too much moisture. You definetly need better nutes though, with the proper micronutrients. You should look at the Fox Farm products for blooming, you won't be sorry that you did.


Active Member
stop watering so much since your pot is holding alot of water.
and i never really use nutes just the shit that comes in the soil so idk about that.
yeah i usually water about every 3 days give or take a few depending on the weather. never every other so that may be your problem


Active Member
I put the full 20oz of water to it yesterday and the little bugger popped right up, leaves spreading out and looking good. Thanks for the responses.
I have 2 outdoor plants that just began drooping. They are healthy dark green leaves but seem to be drooping from the stems. They are watered naturally outside and I do not add any nutrients. What should i do?