Leaves Dropping, I havent watered in days! HELP!


I know i'm not overwatering them, the soil is super dry right now. This is the only one drooping.. They're about 4 days into flowering now w/ x6 2700k 23W cfls. The branches feel very soft as you can imagine, no noticeable discoloration so far..

Whats wrong?!?



well if the soil is super dry and the plant looking like that..common sense tell me i need to water them


well if the soil is super dry and the plant looking like that..common sense tell me i need to water them
Super dry soil would generally indicate that there is no water for the plant to drink.

Yes but the symptoms of overwatering seem to look exactly the same... I was unsure thats why I asked.

Im gonna water now, so hopefully she recovers!

Thanks for the help

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Overwatering is an issue of there being no oxygen available to the roots, that's pretty much it. Underwatering and overwatering will both result in droopy leaves. Water your plant, then pick the pot up and get used to this weight, once it's drunk most of the water you will be able to notice a big difference in pot weight, it's vague at first but you'll soon work out what you're doing, no matter when you last watered it, if your pot is that dry weight, then water it again.


Active Member
If your container is too small there wont be enough soil around to "hold" the moisture and you'll be watering that thing nearly every day!