Leaves drying and dying?


Well-Known Member
So i have ten mini-thunderfuck autos that are all around 12 days old and the lower leaves are drying and turning crumbly, there is also some brown spots and what almost looks like leaf miner damage or somethin. i took pictures but lost the damn cord for my computer:wall:.... so i will try to give some info. they are in party cups (yes i know this is too small, about to transplant)and have not been given any nutrients yet although they are showing signs off needing some soon. i have been letting them dry out thoroughly between waterings and dont seem over or underwatered. also i have tested the ph using indicator (not the most accurate i know) and the run-offf seemed to be around 6.5-7 so i think that is okay. i do not one hundred percent know my temps but my house stays around 68 and the room stays around the same temp and they are under cfls which arnt burning them because the developing leaves are fine. my house is quite dry though, could too low of humidity cause this? or fungus gnats or somethin? i havnt seen bugs but i still havnt ruled it out. have any of you had this problem? much appreciation for replies.


Well-Known Member
do you think really low humidity could cause this though? could it increase transpiration to a point where it is harmful?

t crizzlet

Hey man I think i am having the same problems as you. I also started out in party cups but just recently moved into bigger spots. The bottom leaves are yellowing and brown spots are developing. I havent been giving them any nutes until now but they are about 3 to 4 weeks old. I think the problem could be related to humidity because my more mature plants have some leaves where the edges are curling up. Ill attatch some pics and maybe it can help with identifying the problem.

t crizzlet

I hope these pics help man.

Btw to anybody who may be able to help:
Organic soil with bat guano and perlite
400 wt metal halide about 18-24 inches away
24 hr lights
no nutes
I water about every other day when needed with water thats pH has been lowered with a little bit of lemon juice.

Any advice would help because this is my first grow so Im still learning.



Well-Known Member
thanks t crizzlet, my pics look about the same and situation sounds similar. i am gonna go get a humidifier for my room tomorrow i need it for my skin anyways damn dry air. most my plants arnt super affected but one of the plants lower leaves are pretty bad. another which was a mutant to begin with is also getting worse, luckily the others didnt seem to share the fate and worsen (i think misting help). hopefully this will fix the problem.
I have the same problem but my setup is in basement so humidity is not problem. I wish someone had some input on this matter as was said above the new growth looks great but the lowers are yellowing with light colored brown spots on some of leaves. Im pretty sure I was over watering in the beginning of my grow as growth was stunted but when I backed off the watering they started to grow well but still yellowing. Any help would be appreciated guys. Thanks

t crizzlet

ya no problem man. Actually if you didn't want to buy a humidifier, depending on the size of you spot, you can leave out a bowl of water instead....and its funny one of yours started out as a mutant because so did mine. The new growth looks great though, its just those bottom leaves..


Well-Known Member
gave um the first feed and have kept the humidity up, i think the pots may just be too small. still havnt found my damn cord any more advice would be appreciated its seem like a lot of people are having this problem.


Well-Known Member
lower leaves are still yellowing and drying out. top growth is fine. gave 1/4 grow big nutes yesterday. help prease? this problem is starting to piss me off.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck yes. your post is an exact mirror to mine. you should check it out. same thing. ive got pics.
WE NEED TO FIGURE THIS OUT! the more i have been researching im starting to think it could be a drainage thing that everyone is having a problem with. that and humidity. i know humidity was a big one for me. but i got a giant humidifier and have been misting the girls and foliar feeding with epsom salt and i am going to transplant to bigger container like right now.
im hoping a combonation of all of those things will help!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by HipE i checked out your thread and my problem is definitely similar. i am going to transplant after they dry out a bit as well. might add some more perlite too. i hope all our babies turn out all right.


Well-Known Member
i think the problem is my water, it always looks a little fucked up when it comes out i think it is full of minerals. going to switch to jugs til i get a filter or somethin else. you guys think this could be the problem???
i had the same problem on my grow I justed started about 3 weeks ago. I found that the humidity was drying out my plants and foliar feeding was causing brown dried out spots to build up on the leaves. i tried putting bowls of water in the closet to raise humidity but that didnt work to good so I put in a $15 target vaporizer/humidifier and all the plants took a turn for the better within a few days of use


Well-Known Member
just put in the humidifier, the girls are pretty stunted and im kind of pissed. on of the males i had turned out to be a hermie also so i hope the pollent didnt get on th girls. levaes still brown and crumbly. i flushed um with spring water and am gonna maybe give them a dose of nutes when they dry becuase i am guessin they need some. anyone else had a problem like this because of humidity or you guys think it is something else?