Leaves drying out, curling up (Overnight)


Well-Known Member
yeah pls post about the status. interested how it will turn out.

about humidifiers, i'm not from states, so do not know. but humidifier/air bubbler/ph meter i would get last in my garden. when started growing a year ago was worrying too much about them. if your place is very humid you would need dehumidifier, but so many growers including me are going without one that i never worried about that. 20-40% rh is fine to grow in. if i were you i'd concentrate on well draining soil, well balanced nutes, watering habits, lights, airflow and temps. and read... not comments, cause here are sooo much false info like importance of ph or preharvest flushing or bloom nutes... first read a book or two and then start building your knowledge and experience from there. half a year i was making same mistakes like you do now, but due to documenting every single step, reading a lot and right people putting me on a right path i am now happy with the results i get


New Member
Good advice. Not from the states either ) I still ordered a humidity meter just to keep me calm/ informed because else I will just start imagining stuff. I have kinda come to terms with their death and stuff. Come to think of it, I remember spraying before that night, so it mightve been that that made them fry (sprayed quite a lot). Recommend me good sources of info to go for. I have also just ordered from femaleseeds.nl, ordered 4 seeds of the Auto Speed Bud. Pretty much for testing/trying to make up for the 2 months ive lost spent messing up a LOT. I have learned a lot from the mistakes, a lot of stuff that was new I came to be familliar with now. I have yet to get to the nutes part but im pretty sure that some of the survivors and the new ones ( I will gather as much info before i start them, ill show ppl my makeshift setup, ask for advice and how to go on and stuff) will get to that part soon. Btw, when I lowered the plants, seems that the temmp there is 23-25. Is that ok? I only have 2 options to raise the plant, either 1m from lamp or 50 cm from lamp pretty much. And I rlly dont want to go back to 50 cm because im afraid.


Well-Known Member
misting is ok only if you mist it lightly and not on the center where new nodes are forming. but you only want foliar feeding when you see deficiencies and you don't want to wait till food will go through roots. plant absorbs best water from bottom part of leaves. when seedlings are that young their roots need to look for moisture making bigger root net as possible. and when u have the roots, there u have fruits. i also got humidity meter, cause it's good to know ;) temps 23-27
don't lower light, you'll see growing pattern, if plant will concentrate on stem, not leaves, u'll lower it


Well-Known Member
start a thread, start documenting, drop me a link I'll subscribe and follow ur grow ;) btw any new growth from damaged girls?


New Member
Nope. Not so far. Actually, after that night, all of them just stopped growing. Autos supposed to be easier :(


Well-Known Member
well at least what I see from those pics if you were not too late, then at best very close to it. You did not write how much of h202 you added? Also how survivors are doing?

I tend to disagree that autos are easier... It's just that you do not need light cycle. Constant 16/8 or 18/6 would get you through the whole grow. But same water/food/light/heat/air problems... I like to shape my plants the way I want and flip. If you make mistakes you can always veg longer, let it recover etc.

What kind of soil say you're using? Does it have perlite/vermiculite or clay balls in it?


New Member
I threw out the soil packaging, but the soil should last me 2 - 3 weeks without feeding. I mixed it with perlite (about 25% ), and some Keramzyt on the bottom of the pot (I dont know if its the correct english translkation :D ) . Survivors seem to be NOT GROWING BUT NOT DYING, theyre just there. I gave them 2ml of h202, although the actual ml of the peroxide is smalled in the pots because i did not water a whole liter into 1 pot. Ill probably start a new thread tommorow, try to gather as much info as I can. Will start from strach with the questions, from how to water to how to feed etc. I think i need to change my game to make this work.


Well-Known Member
well not two mils, but 2mils maybe would not be too much. those leaves in first pics look like fermentation there alr started and that is when roots are flooded. not very likely with this temp to have heat stress.
but another thing, did your soil contained any food in it? mayby soil's too hot? but then plant leaves would have yellow necrosis, not dark green


New Member
Thats a good question, but one I cant awsner about the soil. I cant remember. :D Anyways, theyre all dead, I was too late ) THey just dried out and thats all.


Well-Known Member
yeah pls post about the status. interested how it will turn out.

about humidifiers, i'm not from states, so do not know. but humidifier/air bubbler/ph meter i would get last in my garden. when started growing a year ago was worrying too much about them. if your place is very humid you would need dehumidifier, but so many growers including me are going without one that i never worried about that. 20-40% rh is fine to grow in. if i were you i'd concentrate on well draining soil, well balanced nutes, watering habits, lights, airflow and temps. and read... not comments, cause here are sooo much false info like importance of ph or preharvest flushing or bloom nutes... first read a book or two and then start building your knowledge and experience from there. half a year i was making same mistakes like you do now, but due to documenting every single step, reading a lot and right people putting me on a right path i am now happy with the results i get
I couldn't agree more.
K.I.S.S. is my policy. (keep it simple stupid)
A couple years ago I was testing PH, letting water de-chlorinate, flushing.
I now water with straight tap, simple liquid organic nutes, and I grow in peat and perlite. 65% peat and 35% perlite.
It isn't soil, but a great light grow medium. I haven't seen a fungus gnat in months.
One grow medium for all stages. Seedlings, clones, mature plants.
Sometimes you can start seedlings in a grow medium that is too hot. I couple years ago, I started some germed seedlings in Vermafire. A real nice organic soil, but I almost lost those and they took weeks to recover.

I also agree with Simisimis. You should refer to botany books or MJ reference books, not forum talk. When I stopped treating my grow room as a lab, I started growing plants.


Well-Known Member
i went with peat moss and perlite as well also added clay balls. airy/well draining soil pluss a bottle of dynagro foliage pro and mag pro and you can get a decent harvest


Well-Known Member
Throw a sandwich bag over her for a day or two; she'll retain moisture and liven up. If you notice any light mold on your soil take the bag off; it's been too long.